Voicebox: Activism
Never before have so many issues been championed at once. The environment; equal rights for ethnic minorities and LGBTQ+; an end to class discrimination and access to opportunities for the disabled. It's been over 100 years since women in the UK were first allowed to vote and the feminist fight for gender equality still continues. Refugees in desperate need of help and compassion are instead treated as criminals. Activism is integral to making these issues mainstream and bringing about much needed change. We at Voice want to shine a light on these movements, and specifically how you are campaigning for change. Big or small, global or personal, we can all make a difference, and we want to hear your stories. So whether you're at the forefront of an international movement, or you've just decided to cut down on plastic, share your story and help inspire others to make the world a brighter place!
30 September 2019
The young lady of such global importance we’re starting to call her by her last name only.
28 September 2019
Interview with Talia Woodin, photographer and Extinction Rebellion Youth media coordinator
"I picked up my first camera at the age of seven and have rarely been seen without one since!"
22 September 2019
We're all screwed if we don't take action now
Those who know me well know that I cherish the opportunity to educate people on our inevitable extinction if we don’t do something to fix climate change. The Global Climate Strike In London is another great chance for me to decry our preventable doom
22 September 2019
Millions march across the world for immediate climate action
‘Enough is enough’
21 September 2019
London Climate Crisis protest: in pictures
This week on Friday 20th September, I hopped over to Westminster to kickstart this weeks Global Climate strike, spearheaded by Greta Thunberg just over a year ago.
18 September 2019
My Spoken Word Challenge! Feedback Needed!
For my unit 1 challenge I have decided to throw my hand in Spoken Word/Poetry writing. I would love to hear your feedback on a couple of my pieces :)
12 May 2019
Extinction Rebellion: Who are they and why on earth are they rebelling?
Everything you need to know about the radical climate activists, their three key demands and what they've achieved
13 April 2019
Why is there no representation of black people in the arts?
The arts issue I have chosen is about representation of black people in the arts. I wanted to explore why this is.
12 April 2019
Sadiq Kahn silent on anti-begging Tube announcements 'dehumanising' the homeless
‘We still want a response from Sadiq,’ says Georgia Elander, the campaigner petitioning against the announcements
8 May 2019 – 12 May 2019
Friday Night Love Poem at The Brighton Fringe
"So if Matt and I have officially had sex then why does it still hurt? I still don’t get what’s so amazing about it, how can women even come from it - when is that supposed to happen?"
Friday Night Love Poem, written by Natalia Knowlton, tells a trio of poignant coming of age stories about virginity, pleasure, and identity as three young women discover sexual empowerment for the first time. This brand new play looks at the challenges girls face when they begin exploring their sexuality in a world fuelled by stigma, bad sex education, and internet porn.
21 March 2019
Interview with Jim Graver, Big Issue
Jim talks about his 23 years at The Big Issue, its growth and expansion, and his views on eradicating homelessness
15 March 2019
Brexit’s like a box of chocolates...
Theresa May’s deal has been voted down again. Now here’s an analogy we can all get behind
14 March 2019
15 Steps To Save The Planet
Climate change. What really is it and what can we do to help?
4 March 2019
“There is no planet B”
I speak to one of the thousands of students who switched assemblies for actions on 15 February
25 February 2019
Taking a bite out of social convention
A way to change homelessness for good, together
21 February 2019
What are you doing to make a difference in the world?
With so many big issues currently unfolding in the world, it can seem a little overwhelming and you might be left wondering what you can do.
21 February 2019
We’re the leaders of the future: The 16 year old homeless drive organiser
“We are doing this to feed the homeless, not to feed egos.”
21 February 2019
Climate Change stories - Emily Jones, age 15
Emily Jones went on strike from school this Friday. Here's why...