Unit 1C Online gallery review Oula Saadieh

I went online to see the gallery

I went online to Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery on Monday 18th January and I went online to Tate Modern Gallery, London on Tuesday 2nd February.

In Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery I did a virtual tour of all floors, looked at online collection of fine art and used map.I saw art work about the river and bridge. I saw the statue. You can see the gift shop. You can watch the videos about the art work. You can search all art online. I choose different type to look at.

In Tate Modern Gallery, London You can see the different rooms and some of arts work. I looked at room two in the Start Display, looked at Henri Matisse the Snail and did image analysis. You can read about it and hear the podcast to help you.

There are different arts like Visual arts like painting, drawing, sculptures, text, printing, 3D, pastel, photos, statue. I liked the normal art work like painting called  the river and I liked the snail art work.

I have been to Jordan Museum in Jordan my home country. It has paintings, drawings and other things. It was 3 years go. It was similar because it had some art work in it. But it was different because I could walk round and look. You can read about the artwork on the wall and you can touch some but not all the paintings. This is different because I didn’t go to the other galleries just online. And you can’t touch any.

These gallery not unexpected actually no, because I saw some things like that when I was young in the Jordan Museum, maybe different because it is a hard thing in Jordan.  So here in Tate the work was more simple things like big colour and plain but in Jordan more complicated. Some things small but really complicated but in England in Tate bigger and more simple.

I thought the snail was good because it is in same time a simple and difficult, makes you feeling happy and cool. I like how it really big so stands out.  I didn’t like maybe the voices because I prefer one of persons explain that, like a video that better than the voices I think.  It is better if we could go and a guide tell us but a video would be good instead while we do online.

I learnt after this event, now I am sure at can be anything like big or small, simple or complicated, could be painting, drawing, statue. I can make beautiful thing, simple, and hard in the same time. Can be any style. I think, I can do what I want and when I want, I can even be creative.

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