Unit 1C Online gallery review Alfie Evan

I did virtual tours online that allowed me to see the art galleries in detail without being there

On Monday 18th January I went to Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery (online) and did a virtual tour of all floors and looked at online collection of fine art. There was much information shown about the art pieces, explaining how, who and when the art was made. I looked at different art, there were many different styles of art and ways of making them such as statues, stone carving, abstract and portraits. This museum was very formal on what was included in the tour but the main art work we focused on was the angel statue that we could measure and we could look at categories of the different art.

On Tuesday 2nd February I went to Tate Modern Gallery, London (online) and did a virtual tour and audio tour. I looked at room two in the Start Display, looked at Henri Matisse the Snail and did an image analysis. This was in one of the colour rooms. You could go round rooms and zoom in. You could read about each painting and there was an audio to describe the work. I also looked in the photo catalogue of old exhibitions and search for categories of different art that’s been on display.

There were different art forms like visual arts like painting, drawing, sculptures etc. abstract art and statues in both galleries. In Birmingham you are greeted with a massive statue of an angel in the main hall which is surrounded with portraits. My favourite art piece was the painting of the Greek emperor and kingdom around it and also the statue of the angel, this was in the Birmingham Gallery.

 I have been to a tank museum, also a Viking museum and many others but not all of them were full of art works like the Birmingham museum but they were very formal and informative and very different so now I know more about stuff these museums outlined. I did GCSE art so I have done an image analysis before and was able to use this knowledge for my analysis of the Snail.

It was different to what I expected because it was a virtual tour so everything was different than what it would be in real life going to the gallery in person. It was very informative for a virtual tour and helped me look at art work in a different way in the virtual tour. You could change which floors and art works you were focusing on and take your time looking at them or reading about them without being in anyone’s way.

My thoughts I took away from these art galleries is that they have many different art styles and different times and places. And when they were made this art gallery helped me with my arts award course because we analysed and explained what art pieces where in the art gallery there where many statues placed around the art gallery. It’s good that we can still look at art work despite the problems this year even if we can’t go in person.

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