Magical Honey at Norden Farm Art Centre

This is a review on a dance drama that I viewed at Norden Farm Art centre.

I attended a performance at Norden Farm by Sanskruti, a Cambridge based dance company. It was an amazing experience and I loved seeing the fusion between western and classical music.

It retold the story of Matilda but with a slight plot change and new characters. There was the ever friendly and creative Saraswati who played the role of the librarian. 

The dance styles and moves represented the personality and role of the characters. I would encourage everyone to see the show to witness the energetic moves of the tyrannical Madam Tusra. 

A good mix of magical tricks and audience interaction also keep the viewers  especially the younger viewers engaged through out the show. Towards the end the children were given a colouring and feedback task which I think was a highly creative way of receiving feedback. The crew themselves were extremely polite and spoke to everyone at the end.

I would definitely recommend this event to others as it speaks through cultures and ages.

As for me, I am excited about the potential to experiment!

Header Image Credit: Sanskruti

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