Veena concert at Shree Rguvendra Swami Mhut

On the 2nd of january I attended a veena concert at the shri raguvendra swami mhat in slough

On the 2nd of january I attended a veena concert at the shri raguvendra swami mhat in slough. In this event there was a lovely performance by a local veena player Pramode Rudra Patna Prasanna Kumar .The veena is a historical indian instrument wich is traditionally in the Hinduism faith played by goddess saraswati the goddess of music, knowledge and arts.
The veena is a quite instrument wich is normally soothing or calming however this musician played it in a more electrical, lively modern way.
I have never heard someoene play veena in such a way and it was truly and experience

The artist was excitedly talented and performed and high speeds. There were many times when you could hardly see his finger moving due to the speed in wich he was playing. The use of gamakas was amazing and I thoroughly enjoyed the perofmrcane.

One improvement I would recommend was for there to be mats or chairs as the performance was rather long and the enviroment not the comforts however I would definately recommend this event to others

It was a great expreicane wixh left me felling extremely inspired to practice veena s maybe one day I will be able to play aswell as he did.

This was a lovely experiance however there was no proper seating or even mats.

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