Level Up Human is a podcast series that seeks to create a shortlist of upgrades to the human race in our 2.0 upgrade. The premise is simple. Guests, the audience and mother nature herself all pitch ideas to experts, who then decide which ideas are worth carrying forward in the creation of the perfect next generation of human. It's a question often bandied around, and now it can be discussed with people who have actual knowledge on the subject.
The guests this time were Elf Lyons and Stevyn Colgan, and the whole of the literature tent able to pitch ideas. Stevyn I have previously seen in Edinburgh, and he is a hugely interesting bloke, I encourage you to look him up!
I'm always a little bit dubious of audience participation on comedy shows, because the audience tend to believe they are funnier than they are, and come up with these awful puns and terrible ideas - then proceed to sit and look really smug. It wasn't too much the case this time.
Instead, we had somebody propose the idea of colour changing skin that reflects our current mood, humans all being the same the same height, and - demonstrating the true laziness of human nature - a mouth in our stomach so it wouldn't take as long to eat food.
There was also a bloke who was fixated to a creepy degree on sociopaths, and how/if they contribute to society. He didn't raise the point to contribute to the conversation, or to suggest they have assets that could be carried forwards to Human 2.0. It genuinely seemed like he was personally offended by them, and wanted someone to validate his opinions. More than a little awkward.
It's an interesting concept for a show, and extends further than the initial question asked, which is just as well because I don't know if it would have long term listenability (which is apparently a word) if it didn't.
For more information about Level Up Human, visit their website.