Stephanie Laing: Nincompoop

An awkward comedian who always has an embarrassing story to make you laugh.

Stephanie Laing: Nincompoop

Stephanie surprised me with her total honesty and her natural comedic talent, that made for a very funny show. Having seen some stand-up comedy shows that have tried to come up with something new as a topic, I was incredibly glad to see that Stephanie stuck to discussing her life with the audience and telling us her funny and embarrassing stories. It was this that reminded me that stand-up comedy doesn't have to be a fresh new idea to be funny, and sometimes the old-school style is best.

Her ability to laugh at herself regardless is highly admirable, and the resulting show had both her and the audience laughing constantly. Her easy interaction with those watching made for an interesting and highly unique show, and her use of props kept us constantly amused. Her songs and drawings, despite being completely bizarre, were hilarious for that very reason, and despite the odd crude joke, her mannerisms helped her to carry them off in a way others have not achieved.

Her act was natural, raw and always amusing, and apart from the rare joke that shocked me a bit, I really enjoyed the show. I don't think Stephanie's act is for everyone, demonstrated by the group sitting behind me, who left half way through the show, but the rest of the audience had a great time. Stephanie is a naturally talented comedian and if the show sounds like your sort of thing, I recommend going to see her.

Stephanie Laing: Nincompoop is on at 9:45pm on 12-17, 19-24 and 26-30 August.

Suitable for ages 16 and over.

For tickets and more information, click here


Jo Nead

Jo Nead Contributor

I am a Hertfordshire based RADA graduate working in Stage Management. I like to knit, cook and travel and I can always be found in or talking about a theatre!

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