Amy Howereska: Sasspot

Putting the Fun in Funeral, and making weddings woeful. Such is the life of Amy Howereska.

Amy Howereska: Sasspot

The military, normality, families and childhood diaries make up this standup show what it is – a standup show. Howereska takes us through her life, making us all appreciate our upbringings, and leaving us feeling entertained and contemplating which personality trains we have inherited from our families, and which ones we haven't.

While this show is nothing new, that doesn't make it boring – indeed quite the opposite. I enjoyed this show, it works well as a standup piece in that it has stories that lead to jokes that make the audience laugh. It is funny, don't get me wrong, but it's predictable. If you've seen standup comedy before you'll understand the direction of the show after the first couple of jokes.

The show is always linked back to why Amy prefers funerals over weddings, and her father; and has plenty of audience interaction, asking questions and honestly being very engaging. The moments where there was banter between her and an audience member were, however, brief – with her "sass" causing the conversations to be cut short, as she brought the conversation back to herself. Her presence on stage is generally quite good, however she had a habit of creeping towards the table onstage – on which were two books, a tissue and a tumbler of water – and making like she was going to drink, and then thinking better of it. Quite distracting, and slightly irritating, it has to be said.

If you're a fan of oddball standup, with anecdotes from funerals, and are looking for something that is funny, then this is the show for you. Similarly, if you have a spare hour or so, with nothing to do, and a couple of quid in your pocket, it's definitely worth a look. If you're a standup elitist, always looking for people that are cutting edge, and looking to break the Fringe Standup Stereotype, then this show probably isn't for you.

Amy Howereska: Sasspot is being shown at the Gilded Balloon every day in August apart from the 17th and 31st. Shows start at 18:45 and run for an hour. Tickets cost £10.00 Monday-Thursday and £11.00 Friday-Sunday. Seating is unallocated, so arrive early to get a good spot! For more info, or to purchase tickets please go here.


Joshua Gould

Joshua Gould Contributor

Voice Web Administrator/Social Media Man/Struggling Actor/Human.
I try to get as involved in the arts as I can be, more often than not by getting up on stage, but also by reviewing shows! I'm JoshGould95 on all social media, so if you've got a show you want me to too look at, hit me up!

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