Review of the Fashion & Textiles Museum

On the 21st December 2022, I went to the Fashion & Textiles Museum located in London. The art shown was mainly created by Kaffe Fassett, an American-born, British-based artist who is best known for his colourful designs in the decorative arts.

Review of the Fashion & Textiles Museum
I arrived at the museum 10 minutes before 3pm for my 3-4pm tour of the museum. I walked around the museum and was led by a tour guide who explained the origins of the artist Kaffe Fassett and his many different works into fashion and textiles. He has done many projects which include constructed textiles and fashion knitting, needlepoint, mosaic, quilting, textile design, painting and drawing. 

I’ve been to museums before but this was a really interesting experience as I got to further indulge myself into a world of art that I'd never properly experienced before. It was very fascinating to see the various different textile forms and fashion that had come from a single person. 
However, there were some parts of the tour which I feel could have been improved or removed completely. The tour was meant to be about 45 minutes to an hour but ended a bit shorter than expected. I felt that at some points it was not as interesting when the tour guide spoke about the art. Apart from giving some contextual information, most of the artefacts had writing on the walls beside it which perfectly explained what it was about.
I would recommend it to those who are deeply interested in textile and fashion design as it gave a good overview of Kaffe Fassett's journey as an artist into that field, so it may be inspiring to others who may want to pursue a similar career.

10. I learnt about Kaffe Fassett and his journey as an artist. It allowed me to fully capture his visions as an artist and the mastermind behind it.


amara irono

amara irono

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  • mask K

    On 9 January 2023, 19:40 mask K commented:

    Very interesting review! As a person who likes art but never had time to go to an event such as this one, this post is particularly motivating me to try harder to go. I love that the focus of the event was on one person who expressed themselves through different textiles styles, would definitely want to check something out like this in future!

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