Leadership Unit 2: Part B The Plan

In this blog I will look at the practical aspects of this project, taking into account the needs of those taking part as well as looking at the resources and support I will need.

Leadership Unit 2: Part B The Plan

1.  Who are the participants for this project?

Pupils boarding on Sunday 29 November at The Manor at Dauntsey's school.

2.  Is there anything specific you need to consider for this audience?

There will be different ages (11-14) and I don't know how many people will come.  Because we live in a school bubble we do not have the same Coronavirus lockdown restrictions as other people.

3.  How will you recruit participants?

I will make a poster with a sign up sheet and talk to my friends at school about Arts Awards and encourage them to take part.

4.  How will you deliver the project?

I will collect the materials together, plan my project, prepare a speech and run a craft activity on a Sunday afternoon at school.

Firstly I will give a safety brief and tell people why we are doing it - this is to show people how to make Christmas crafts that do not involve glitter and do not harm the environment.  I will then describe the two craft activities and give people a chance to ask questions.  I will then let them have a go and I will walk around and help people if they need it.  With my helpers, I will then tidy up and collect all the post it notes together.  I will then review the activity and ask Mr Guille for his feedback.

5.  What practical things will you need to organise and how will you do this?

Materials: pinecones, mini pots to stand the pinecones in, paint (red, green, white, black, brown), paint brushes, water jars, newspaper to cover tables, marker pens, wood slices with hole for string, instruction cards for each table, Christmas music, camera or iphone, post it notes, a script to read out the safety brief so I don't forget anything, a room to do it in.

Space:  I will ask Mr Guille if we can use the dining room as there are table and chairs already laid out and there is lots of space.

Time:  Sunday afternoon.


Display: find somewhere everything can go to dry or be put once it is made.  

6.  What support are you going to need from other people?  Who is going to help you and how?

Mr Guille who runs the boarding house - help me set up the room, provide paint and water, Christmas music and be with me;

My Mum and brother Max, to help getting the pinecones, wood slices and mini pots.

Photographer - I will ask Mr Guille if one of the other adults could take photos.  It would be good to have one photo at the end of everyone with the things they have made for my portfolio as well as photos of the set up and the activity.

3 people to help set up and run the event and tidy up  (I will ask my brother and 2 of my friends)

I will ask the kitchen staff if we can have drinks and a biscuit afterward.

First Aid:  There is a medical room in the Manor so I will find out who is on duty and talk to them about my activity and share my risk assessment with them.

Below is a sample of email correspondence as well as a copy of my speech (Eco Craft Activity introductory speech (1).pdf)



7.  How are you going to assess your leadership skills are developing and collect feedback as you go along?

I will obtain feedback from my friends during and after the event.  I will ask people to complete a post-it note once they have done the craft activity.  Prior to the event I will share my draft speech with my teacher and tutor.  I will also practice the speech on my own but write it out on small cards so I have something to hold on to while giving the speech and also to prompt me if I forget something.  I will also practice the speech with my best friend and then if I have time, in front of a teacher.  I will also ask my teacher to record it so I can look at it afterwards and see if I look and sound confident.

The sign up sheet will also allow me to see how many people are coming to the event and whether I need to promote it more or get more materials.

I will monitor my organisational skills by ticking off the different jobs I need to do in my plan.  I have also set myself a date by when all the different tasks need to be completed which will help me stay on track.  I will share my plan with my teacher, my arts award advisor and my mum and ask them all for feedback as I go along.  I will also include a comments section on my plan table, so I can tracker where I have had to change my plan or add details so I don't forget to include them in my reflection.

Arts Award table.pdf


Things I have considered:

Noise / music:

We will play Christmas music in the background by fairly quietly.  I will also ask teacher (Mr Guille) to also be in the room with me so if things do get too noisy, I can ask for their help to get people to be quieter.

Potentially hazardous material:  

as an eco-activity I am using mainly natural things.  Pinecones, ceramic pots and slices of wood with string.  I did think about using holly but this would involve going out and cutting it and it can be quite spikey, so I have decided not to do this.  I also considered making popcorn garlands but decided too much would get eaten and it could get very messy.  As someone with multiple food allergies I also try 

to avoid using food in craft activities just to make doubly sure and keep the risk to an absolute minimum.  Any paints and glue will be water based and fully washable.

Safe use of electrical equipment:

The only electrical equipment I will be using is for Christmas music.  Students will not be able to touch this - I will ask a teacher to set up.

Emergency exists:

All emergency exists are well signposted.  The activity is taking place on the ground floor and if necessary, people could always climb out the window.  I will include a safety fire brief at the start of my presentation.

Safety of children:

There will be a teacher on hand throughout the activity and there is a first aid room in the building with a first aider on duty.

Header Image Credit: Productivity Land

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Evie Wildish

Evie Wildish

I've completed my Bronze and Silver Awards and am now working towards my Gold. I enjoy art, writing, fashion and would like to become a designer in the future.

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