It's been around for a year, but now we've developed a new version. It's an updated structure and includes a dynamic front page that gives you Bhav's blog, information on Units 1 & 2, and some help with portfolios. All from one page. But why Bhav's blog? He's our Arts Award Editor. He completed his Gold award last year, is already a trustee of a great multi-disciplinary arts company in Oldham, and holds a degree in film. He'll be blogging regularly to give you a quick update about the latest resources & opportunities available. He will be curating content from across Voice in to the hub and keeping it up to date for you. Written by a Gold Arts Award achiever, to help you achieve your Gold Arts Award - a better version of my blog series!
The hub also hosts more in dept ideas & resources for each part of your Gold Award, information on how to get started, and also; importantly. Information & links to help you on your next steps in to the arts world beyond Gold.
When I was doing my Gold award 10 years ago (Wow, it's a decade!), I could only have wished for a single resource like this. But then very few people had completed gold so far and there wasn't the same wealth of learning & examples we have now.
It doesn't replace a trained adviser who knows your personal ambitions & local resources, but we hope it could be helpful when you have questions at 11pm trying to pull together your portfolio or project plan. Ideas & resources can take you to that next step - helping you to push your own boundaries and maybe even 'think outside the box'. Everyone is unique and just because someone else has done something in a given way it doesn't mean its the only way to approach it. So don't take it for gospel. Likewise one of the beauties of Arts Award is that it recognises your personal progression and how you've developed. For some people the journey might take you further than others, for some producing a simple project is a big task for them. You might be lucky and be in a position to do something bigger, more complex. The important thing to remember is that you do what stretches you and is achievable with the resources & support around you.
Doing a Gold Arts Award is a personal journey. The Gold Hub exists to be a hub of inspiration & resources - not a definitive answer.
When I was doing my gold I looked online for things like portfolio examples, tools to share my work, interviews with practitioners, and even how to keep myself motivated through those all night portfolio sessions. The Gold Hub hosts versions of all these and a huge amount more. You just need to browse around a bit.
I'd love to have your feedback about the hub. What else could you use? Is there anything you can't find which should be there? Or do you simply want to congratulate Bhavesh for curating the resources. You can comment below or email me directly.
Oh my goodness! I wish I had used THIS for my Gold Arts Award! So glad other people can use it!