Get Gold with Mozfest 2017

The world's biggest festival about the open web is approaching. It's in October - but that will come very soon. There are lots of ways to get involved. And you can use it to achieve your Arts Award at any Level.

Get Gold with Mozfest 2017

Firstly, you can run a session. Anyone can apply but I'm especially interested in anyone under 25 that would like to be embedded somewhere in the festival, running a youth led session.

The session can be on any one of the internet health topics:

  • Web literacy
  • Digital inclusion
  • Privacy and security
  • Decentralisation
  • Open Innovation

It could be half an hour or 45 minutes. It could be a practical doing session or a discussion group with you showcasing some work.

It must be creative. It must be digital/technology/web focussed.

So that's pretty open. This aspect alone could be about you sharing your skills or profiling your work - could be great for Unit 1 Part A or Part D of Gold. It could also be a sharing of your Unit 2 leadership project.

The next opportunity is for visual artists. Be the artist in residence at the youth zone! You'll help design the space and create work over the weekend. Again, a perfect chance to develop and share your skills. Both opportunities close on 1 August.

Find out more about these at:

So how is it going?

Well since my blog about the planning week lots has happened. We've been regularly meeting on conference calls to plan the festivals, and the focus has been on applications to run sessions. There have been a lot of applications generally and, reading through many of these, I have been stunned by the breadth of sessions and topics to explore. They've come in from across the globe and I'm really getting a sense for the global community - it is brilliant to expand my understanding of the issues we face worldwide.

The team at Mozilla have also been beavering away planning the logistics. This year there will be activity in London all week, not just the main event weekend. So there's even more scope for getting involved.

Use the festival as a place to review

Now it's time to consider reviews. Reviewing is a key part of Arts Award. And Mozfest offers lots of speakers, workshops and exhibits for you to review. The programme details won't be announced until later in the year, but keep an eye on Voice for announcements. And take a look at the pieces we have on our site from 2016.


Emrys Green

Emrys Green Voice Team

Emrys is the Business & Projects manager at Upstart who runs Voice.

Alongside managing Voice and its related programmes of work Emrys manages web builds and live events through his own pursuits - with a wide encapsulation of the arts sector. Theatre, Dance, Circus, Spoken Word and a combination of contemporary and shakespearean work would all be in his wheelhouse.

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  • Luke Taylor

    On 21 July 2017, 09:30 Luke Taylor Contributor commented:

    Mozfest looks epic!

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