Title: 50/50 Photo & Paint Exhibition, Sir Harold Hillier Gardens Hampshire.
An innovative group of four photographs and four painters working together and taking inspiration from each other, producing atmospheric and engaging images.
Why did you choose to attend this exhibition/show?
I chose to attend this exhibition because it was free, local and looked like a fun experience.
Who were the artists what did they create?
Roy Brophey, Paul Sansome, Kev Sandel and Rachel Chappell who was present at the exhibition and I met and took a photograph with in front of some of her work. All the photographs were mainly of nature from different perspectives.
What did you see?
I saw a virality of photographs because all the different photographers having different styles and perspectives.
What are your first impressions?
I was amazed at the variety and creativity of the photographs they really appealed to me.
What do you find the most interesting? Why?
The perspectives and angles of the incredible photographs that were taken really opened my eyes to all different genres of photography one of the photographs that really stood out to me was a picture of a majestic stag peering over a patch of wet grass surrounded by mist it was beautiful, but was not my favourite over all.
What do you like best why?
I find the landscape photograph's some of the best in my opinion, there was one that I can remember vividly it was a taken beside a Scottish lock on a rocky shore with white snowy glistening mountains in the background.
What do think could have been done better?
I think the photo could have been enlarged to attract the attention of others and to allow me to find it easier to focus on the details of the masterpiece, another thing that could make the photograph even more beautiful is to make the frame better it was just a white frame which I found boring.
What ideas has it given you that you might try yourself?
I'm going to try improving how my photographs depict the scene and communicate a sense of action.
What did you learn?
That there's so many opportunities out there to take spectacular photographs.
Did you enjoy the experience overall? Why or why not?
I found the experience exciting and enjoyed it, myself and the others that attended the event met one of the photographers named Rachel Chappell, whose work was on display, and it was interesting to find out how she prepared her subjects (Rachell Chappell and Andrew McGruer)
Would you recommend it to others? if so who? Why?
I would recommend this show to my friends, as I think they would enjoy it very much because of the subject matter and that the photographs created a true sense of actually being there when the shots were taken.
Did it make you think about photography differently?
I wouldn't say it made me think about it differently but it did open my eyes to many other genres.
Brilliant review Matthew. I love that you're developing an appreciation for visual art.