The Queen Extravaganza Concert

An overview of my experience of the Queen Extravaganza, Stockton.

The Queen Extravaganza Concert

I really liked the singing and all the songs, the music was really well played. The musicians

made we feel like part of the experience. The only thing that was a problem was that

sometimes I could not see over the crowd of people, but it wasn’t so bad after a while.

It met my expectations as well as surpassing them, the performers were just how I’d

imagined a real queen concert to be. I didn’t expect it to be quite as load so when I left the

theatre my ear drums were still recovering from the load music.

As I have said I felt the musicians and singers made me feel truly apart of the experience and

this elevated the concert tenfold for me. It made feels like I was watching queen in their prime.

I would absolutely recommend to anyone interested in queen or if they just want to have a

great time and listen to some great live music and performances. I 100% recommend as it is a must see.

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Henry Waterfield

Henry Waterfield

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  • Hannah Parker

    On 17 July 2024, 13:29 Hannah Parker commented:

    I totally agree Henry. The concert was really good.

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