Tez Ilyas: Tez Talks

Tez's show is original, witty and incredibly clever, combining his beliefs and his nationality in a hilarious piece of stand-up comedy that will have you laughing from start to finish.

Tez Ilyas: Tez Talks

The show started with a dance party, and ended with the popping of streamers signifying our graduation, so it was quite literally a party from start to finish. Tez very much opened the show as he meant to go on, and he was a pleasure to watch.

I have the utmost respect for him being able to base a comedy show around his religion, as it is something that very few people are comfortable to do, and it definitely paid off, as the show was a success not only with myself, but with the entire audience.

Not one joke went unappreciated, as he hit the mark over and over again with his humour and sarcasm. He is undoubtedly a talented comedian, and by far the best stand-up act I have seen so far. He has a passion for comedy which is seen very clearly in his show.

Apart from one moment at the end, where, intentionally or not, he became very serious and a bit emotional, throwing the entire audience off guard, I loved every minute. I greatly appreciated his confidence on stage, and completely understood his sense of humour, making his show even more enjoyable.

Overall, I would recommend seeing Tez's show. He is a talented comedian as well as having some excellent dance moves up his sleeve, and his show is a joy to watch.

Tez Ilyas: Tez Talks is on at 7:15pm until 30th August, excluding 17th.

Suitable for ages 16 and over.

For tickets and more information, click here


Jo Nead

Jo Nead Contributor

I am a Hertfordshire based RADA graduate working in Stage Management. I like to knit, cook and travel and I can always be found in or talking about a theatre!

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