The Visit

A review on a school play - The Visit, set in Central Europe in the 1950s.

The Visit

On 25th January, I went to our school’s joint senior production of the play The Visit. It is a play that follows a wealthy lady, Claire Zachanassian, returning to her impoverished hometown after 45 years to proceed with her revenge on Anton Schill who betrayed her. She proposes to give the town enough money to revitalise the town and make everyone wealthier in exchange for the townspeople to kill Anton Schill. I was very intrigued by the plot of the play as to how she was betrayed for her to want to kill someone especially someone she loved when she was younger. During the play, I was quite surprised at the plot twist in the middle and end as it was quite different to all the other plays I’ve watched. I also thought it was interesting how the main character and perspective of the play was Anton Schill, making the audience feel more sympathetic towards him, when in fact it was Claire Zachanissian who was the victim of the betrayal. Although there were some lines that needed to be repeated, considering it was the first showing, I think the actors were really expressing themselves as their character and performed with a lot of emotion.

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Lynnia Cao

Lynnia Cao

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