Interview with Bec Hill

Bec Hill takes some time to talk to Voice about the show, inspirations, and to give advice to young people.

Interview with Bec Hill

Could you first introduce yourself to the reader?

Hi! My name is Bec Hill. Or Be Chill if you read it wrong.

How would you describe your show?

An hour of pure silliness - an antidote to the anxiety and fear we're currently bombarded with on a daily basis.

Why do you want to perform at Edinburgh Festival Fringe?

Because when I perform in my living room, it is hard to fit everyone in.

What differentiates it from other festivals?

It is quicker to get to from London than the Adelaide Fringe.

Do you think the Fringe has changed over the years? If so, how? Are these changes positive or negative?

Yes, because in 2009 I started performing at it and according to scientific research, there has been a rise in the quality and quantity of LOLs at Fringe since then. There is definitely proof and sources for that research, but you don't know them. They go to another school.

What first motivated you to enter the industry? Who were your inspirations?

It seemed like a good alter-ego after I killed that guy and went on the run- I have said too much.

If you didn't have your current job, what would you probably be doing?

I'd be the world's first astronaut detective: Bec Hill - Space Investigator. Or on the dole.

If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?

This one.

What is your earliest childhood art memory?

I drew a picture of me sneezing when I was 5 and glued an actual tissue on to it, because I'm a pioneer like that. This was last week.

Do you ever feel any pressure to be a social commentator, or constantly update material to respond to events?

On Twitter, yes. But in my stand-up, I much more enjoy stupid puns and showing drawings I've done.

Equally, do you think there has been a shift in public sentiment that has affected your work?

Not me personally, but when horrible things happen close to home, you do notice a drop-in people attending comedy clubs. I think to many, comedy is a luxury and it feels a bit wrong to treat yourself to it when others are suffering.

Describe the last year in 5 words or less?

It's two thousand and seventeen

If you could work with anybody, from any point in history, who would you pick and why?

Jesus. After all the initial questions, I think He'd be a great director. He'd know which bits are solid and socially responsible and which bits I should cut. Also, it'd be great publicity.

Why would a performer opt to do either a ticketed event or participate in the free fringe? What are the benefits and limitations of both?

I've always done ticketed shows, largely because the Gilded Balloon is my favourite venue and the staff there play a large role in me returning to the festival. Plus, you know you'll have access to proper tech, comfortable chairs for your audience, a press office, etc. It means you can put on a higher quality of show – in my opinion. But if your show doesn't rely on creature-comforts, then the free fringe certainly makes financial sense, especially if you are new, or trying something out.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to take a show up to the fringe?

Go along as a punter first. Try to see as many shows in as many different rooms as possible. Mingle. You'll get an idea of what audiences like – both performance and space wise – and you'll make important contacts who can help you when you DO take a show up.

When and where can people see your show?

5:15pm The Turret, Gilded Balloon, Aug 2-27 (not 15). The chairs are comfy.

And where can people find, follow and like you online?

Bec Hill: Out of Order is performing at The Gilded Balloon at 17:15 on 2nd – 27th (not 15th). For tickets and more information visit the Ed Fringe website.

For a sample...


Tom Inniss

Tom Inniss Voice Team

Tom is the Editor of Voice. He is a politics graduate and holds a masters in journalism, with particular interest in youth political engagement and technology. He is also a mentor to our Voice Contributors, and champions our festivals programme, including the reporter team at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

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