What goes on at... St. Bede's and St. Joseph's Catholic College?

We caught up with all of 2017-2018's Arts Award Good Practice Centres about what they do to make the Arts Award framework work so well for them.

What goes on at... St. Bede's and St. Joseph's Catholic College?

Could you first introduce yourselves for the reader

My name is Beckie Voller and I am Head of the Arts faculty at St Bede's and St Joseph's Catholic College in Bradford. I am responsible for managing the following departments: Art, Dance, Drama, Media, Music and Photography.

Which Arts Award levels do you offer?

We offered the Arts Award Bronze to all of our year seven students and our drama GCSE cohorts too. We had over 300 successful portfolios this year!

What about the Arts Award appeals to your students?

They like the way they can see the links between different art forms and the fact that much of the work they do enables them to be creative and practical.

What Arts Award creative projects have your current and previous students done in groups?

The work our students have done ranges from creating their own vlogs teaching someone how to play a musical instrument; watching and reviewing 'The Nutcracker' and creating their own choreographies; reproducing work of a famous artist and exploring the style and participating in drama workshops based on a poem by Charles Causley.

What kind of things have you got in mind or organised for your future Arts Award students?

I am really keen to explore the Silver award and develop the leadership skills of our students.

What are the greatest challenges for your students undertaking their Arts Awards?

Getting all the work completed on time! Most students completed their work in class, but some wanted to explore things outside the classroom which was great, but needed them to be more organised.

What is the greatest benefit in both yourself delivering the Arts Award and for your students in undertaking it?

The fact that they see a sense of the importance of the arts and that they are trying brand new things. Students told us that it really opened their eyes to how fun creativity can be and how much confidence they had after the project.

How do you think what your students have accomplished in their awards will help them moving forward?

Many of our students are already planning their silver award even though we haven't launched it to them yet. Many more have become involved in our extra curricular activities as they have wanted to pursue some of the new skills they have developed.

What would you say to schools considering delivering the Arts Award?

Go for it! The benefits are huge for both the profile of the Arts in your schools and the students themselves. If you are unsure, please approach any of the GPCs for help and support.


Bhavesh Jadva

Bhavesh Jadva Voice Team

Former Media Editor on Voice and former Arts Award Editor on AAoV covering film, TV, music and comedy.

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