Issue of Concern for my Gold Arts Award

I have to write an essay about what concerns me in the art industry. As I have been working with wool for my Gold Arts Award I wanted to study an issue that related to the textile trade and wool. 

Gold Arts Award Issue of Concern

We use animals for alot of things but whilst we get our produce from them we need to take care of them as well. We need to make sure they are happy and healthy. I have been looking into the darker side of the wool industry for my issue of concern. The majority of farmers are wonderful and really care for their animals but there are some stories out there that are really sad. I have been looking at the wool industry and sheep shearing as I have been working with wool for my Arts Award.

Looking into the reasons why bad treatment happens is mainly because Shearers are paid per Sheep sheared not by the hour and they are not all properly trained. They cram them all together with no room to walk and even shearing them with no care. This results in them being harmed with painful deep cuts that don’t get treated properly according to the

This is a concern for me because I use wool alot and I want my wool to come from happy Sheep. Some people just say “there just animals” Just because they are animals doesn’t mean that they don’t feel pain. I want safe homes for animals on this planet. For example “Happy Wool from Happy Homes”. More Advertising should be done on this issue at all craft fairs and especially online media.

Researching says “Animals are not ours to abuse in anyway”

Supporting good ethical brands that promote good animal welfare is so important but not everyone can afford ethical products because you have to pay extra for them, I can understand this but we should be finding ways to make sure ethical brands are more affordable for everyone. 

I also feel shearers need to be paid by the hour not per sheep and making sure they are trained to a high standard and always taught the animals welfare is more important above all else.

I have learnt to respect animals and the planet, always reseach the products you buy and where they come from and the welfare of animals involved. Its important to make a happy planet full of happy animals, they should have equal rights to care. 


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Poppy Gale

Poppy Gale

I have done a sliver arts award before and now I am doing a Gold Arts Award.

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