My Arts Award Journey

I set myself three challenges to complete for my Silver Arts Award: stroboscopic, light painting and photogram photography.

My Arts Award Journey

I set three challenges for myself: stroboscopic, light painting and photogram photography. 

Stroboscopic photography is a type of long exposure, where the light flashes on a moving object, creating an interesting effect. i found this challenge the most difficult because of all the factors that affect the photo. it took multiple attempts but i had managed to get some good 




I found light painting the easiest to do. It is also a type of long exposure photography, where the whole time the shutter is open, a light is shone at the camera, which is picked up in the photo. Here are my attempts: 


I enjoyed making photograms the most. this is where photos are created without using a camera. an object places onto a photosensitive piece of paper, where it is then exposed to light and then developed. at first, i found it difficult to make these, but i eventually learned and improved from my past mistakes. Originally, i was creating photograms in the bathroom but, I realised, too much light was being let in, so I changed room and the results changed with it:




Mia M

Mia M

I would be very grateful if you would review my posts, as it can help with my arts award!

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  • Amy Roberts

    On 7 April 2019, 11:50 Amy Roberts commented:

    The light painting looks good, you are very talented! This is a lovely review.

  • sasha murray

    On 7 April 2019, 12:03 sasha murray commented:

    Wow, this so so clever. Well done!

  • Molly Drinkwater

    On 15 April 2019, 14:56 Molly Drinkwater commented:

    wow! this looks very cool. well done!

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