12 March 2021
Paris Agreement CO2 goals require global lockdown every two years
Research has shown that carbon dioxide emissions must fall by the equivalent of a global lockdown roughly every two years for the next decade for the world to keep within safe limits of global heating.
23 October 2020
Who's afraid of the big bad beav'?
Why is Britain so afraid of freeing the beaver? If we are to survive the coming threats to our climate, we need to overcome our fears of the original habitat engineers.
15 September 2020
How to aid the planet through art with Marisa Rehana Mann
We caught up with environmental artist Marisa Rehana Manna about environmental influences on her visual artwork. It's part of the Artist Workshop with Voice series, funded by Arts Council England
24 June 2020
Hangout with Voice - the arts in 2025
Discuss the future of the arts with us on Wednesday
18 June 2020
Despite its horrors, society could benefit from Covid-19
Coronavirus has already created a ‘New Normal’. Is it one we want to change?
19 April 2020
Olafur Eliasson - 'Sometimes the river is the bridge', viewed from the safety of my sofa.
This is a review of Olafur Eliasson's virtual exhibition, 'Sometimes the river is the bridge'. It discusses the impact of Eliasson's exhibition and its current place within a global pandemic.
21 March 2020
It ain't easy being green
When it comes to sustainability you'll never get it completely right, but that doesn't mean you can't try
11 February 2020
How to: Be the kind of vegan people like
Ever wondered how to go vegan whilst also keeping your friends and not making everyone hate you? Here's a guide from your friendly neighbourhood vegan
25 November 2019
Are theatres able to prioritise sustainability?
With the climate crisis finally being addressed, I wanted to discover how sustainable theatres are, and if they can do more.
31 October 2019
Interview with Irma Irsara, creator of "Earth is Calling" and visual artist
"Earth is Calling is an emotional response to environmental changes, shifting boundaries and transformation using fibre art paper pulp works, time-lapse and micro time-lapse video works."
13 October 2019
Activists: passionate people taking action
Why do we feel inspired by activists?
8 October 2019
Interview with Massimo Agostinelli, creator of "Freeze"
"Change is the only constant, the key is to be able to adapt."
19 August 2019
The 1975 and Greta Thunberg join forces to fight against the looming climate crisis
British band, The 1975 collab with climate activist Greta Thunberg on a re-work of their self titled track ‘The 1975’.
14 March 2019
15 Steps To Save The Planet
Climate change. What really is it and what can we do to help?
21 February 2019
Climate Change stories - Emily Jones, age 15
Emily Jones went on strike from school this Friday. Here's why...
3 July 2018
An evening with Caroline Lucas
Caroline Lucas appeared as the guest speaker at the Free University of Brighton (FUB) event to talk about her mission for a more sustainable world.
6 June 2017
GE17: Climate Change
With Drumpf pulling out of the Paris Agreement, where does that leave climate change for the 2017 election?