GE17: Climate Change

With Drumpf pulling out of the Paris Agreement, where does that leave climate change for the 2017 election?

GE17: Climate Change

Think immigration is bad now? A 3ft rise in sea levels would cause 20% of Bangladesh to flood underwater, thus displacing 30 million people. But scientists are predicting 5-6ft rise by 2100!

Under the Conservative government we pledged to extract only two-thirds of what's in the world's current reserves. A step in the right direction then, surely? However the 2017 Conservative manifesto promises to make the opening of fracking sites a whole lot easier, negating that promise.

Labour is more focused on producing clean air from cars than climate change. The Liberal Democrats want to ban fracking and more than double green energy to 60% by 2030 and reduce emissions to 0 by 2050. The Green Party are aiming for 1.5 degrees warming globally, well under the 2 degrees target.

So what will you do? The economy will affect us all now. But think about 100 years in the future. What then?

For a lengthier explanation, visit:

Image: Joe Brusky


Sienna James

Sienna James Voice Team

Formerly Assistant Editor, Sienna now studies History of Art at the University of Cambridge and loves to write about the intersection of politics, history and visual art. Sienna is author of the Creative Education and Instaviews series.

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  • Bhavesh Jadva

    On 8 June 2017, 20:29 Bhavesh Jadva Voice Team commented:

    It's almost maniacal isn't it? How this, the most prudent issue facing the country and the world, has been all but shirked by the current Government, and even driven in completely the wrong direction!

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