National Garden Photographer of the Year Award 2020

I went to the National Garden Photographer of the Year Exhibition at Ickworth House in Suffolk in October 2020. This is my review of the exhibition. I enjoy taking photos of nature and this exhibition had lots of the types of photos I like taking. 

National Garden Photographer of the Year Award 2020

There were a lot of cool artists. Some of which include Albert Ceolan, Kristina Zvinakeviciute and Thorsten Scheuermann. They all create amazing photographs of nature related things. Albert took a photograph of a pine forest that was destroyed by the storm Vaia during October 2018. Kristina took a photograph of a Tragopogon glowing as it hit the surface of the water. Finally, Thorsten took a photograph of a swamp cypress that stood there on an autumn afternoon in the wetlands. The cypress was surrounded by its roots poking up from the water.

I saw a range of cool nature/animal photographs. 

I found it interesting how people of such young ages manage to take these amazing photographs. It has really inspired me to get my own camera and start taking photographs as I have seen you do not need a good camera or to be an adult to be good at photography. This is interesting to me personally.

I learnt about camera types and what camera lenses are good for close ups and what are good for zoom outs. 

I enjoyed the experience overall as there were some really interesting photographs that inspired me to take my own.


Angelo Panayiotou

Angelo Panayiotou

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