Review of the Paul Macro Exhabition

Another review for my part C! This time looking at a local artist and local exhibition space.

Review of the Paul Macro Exhabition

To add to my part C I also really wanted to go to an artists exhibition, I wanted to try and find a local place showcasing local artists. Walking home I stumbled across the Norwich gift emporium as I noticed there was a sign saying exhibition outside. I went in and asked about it, and was told that Paul Macro photography was being shown. Which was perfect as photography is something I did in my Bronze arts award and really enjoyed as I found how brilliant a way it is of not only creating art but also documenting it, and sometimes even documenting can turn into a really creative process with really creative outcomes. The lady on the desk told me he is a local artist focusing on landscape photography areas of Norfolk. I went upstairs to have a look at the exhibition, excited to discover some new work. Its sometimes really nice to let the exhibition introduce you to the new artist, rather than researching the artists first and finding an exhibition that way. It was an intimate exhibition upstairs, I was the only one there at the time so it was really nice to be able to take it in. I thought the images were really beautiful, and the astetically pleasing images made me want to visit these areas of Norfolk. A photo I was particularly drawn to was one of a beach on a grey day, the contrast of the sand and the grey sky was strong and bold, and the patterns in the sand were so fluid that it reminded me of some basic henna shapes. There were also some black and white images in the exhibition, being little snippets of areas around the city and Norfolk, which made you think about where they were from and what thee bigger image would look like. This also reminded me of henna in the sense that some of the designs look like they could go further, past the limits of the hand shape, and this makes me think about what the image could turn into if it had more room. When I finished viewing the exhabition, I went back downstairs and started chatting to the lady at the desk, I asked about who she rents the space out to(thinking about the use of a local spacee to exhabit work) and she gave me a card with prices per week for the upstaires area and also advertising in the window area. With dates of when the spaces would be free to book. I told her that I am currently doing the arts award in body art, to which she replied that she does some body art hersefl (paints her own body in live exhabitions) and told me about a body art festival called paintopia, which she said I should take a look at.

How is this going to help develop my work?

Viewing this exhibition has inspired me a lot. Particularly when I talked about the idea of henna patterns past the limits of the hand, I think this shows that I really need to move henna to different parts of the body which are larger so I have more space to explore this idea. Furthermore, when it comes to exhibiting future work I have a place I can contact about it which is local , affordable and a brilliant starting point. When I got home I researched the festival she said about and am now planning to go to it in the summer , from the website it looks like a festival which would be really great for inspiration, showcasing work, and pushing my own boundaries as there are competitions and workshops run there. This would be great as I am finding through doing this award that putting yourself slightly out of your comfort zone is the way forward for me in terms of developing my work.


Charlotte Spivack

Charlotte Spivack

Currently doing my gold arts award! It's all around the topic of body art so take a look and make sure to leave me a comment! xx

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  • Luke Taylor

    On 30 October 2017, 12:39 Luke Taylor Contributor commented:

    Great job with your Arts Award work so far!

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