Sarah Callaghan: Elephant

How emotionally tender and conscientious can a stand-up comedy gig get without addressing death? Go and see Callaghan and you'll find out.

Sarah Callaghan: Elephant

Her cocky cockney personality almost felt like a persona with her aggressive delivery and tomboyish shuffling on stage. It juxtaposed with the ultimately uplifting crescendo of the show.

Elephant took us through some trials in Callaghan's life and turned the standard male comedian routine of complaining about his missus on its head and ploughing into her geezer (her word not mine). In this way she follows in the footsteps of the new wave of successful female comedians, whose successes are based in their self-empowerment.

Her brash potty mouth makes her a product of her environment in Uxbridge, North-West London which she lambasts to no end. She divulges to the audience the nature of her childhood as a bit of a tearaway. She dismisses the notion of labelling and being regimented in your youth. She also delves into the darker parts of her teenage years and what she did for an escape. The 'elephant' in the room to which the title refers in that escape to happiness.

What she got right was the right level of emotion so that it wasn't too intense and did not contradict the comedy. With the right level of crassness about the innards of her relationship and her psyche she delivers a bold and confident routine through which her personality shines.

As could be expected for a young Edinburgh newbie, some gags fell flat, but through blaming these on her own shortcomings she turns them into refreshing, non-volatile gags based in their failure.

As could not be expected from a young, Edinburgh newbie, she sashayed through her routine with ballistic confidence both in her comedy and in how it lacked. She exudes the impression of a future staple of the Fringe.

Catch Sarah Callaghan: Elephant in the Pleasance Bunker One just next door to the Pleasance Courtyard at 17:50 all Fringe long except on 17 August -


Bhavesh Jadva

Bhavesh Jadva Voice Team

Former Media Editor on Voice and former Arts Award Editor on AAoV covering film, TV, music and comedy.

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