Review: Modern Portrait Exhibition at Croydon Art Space

On Saturday the 17th I visited the Modern Portrait Exhibition at Croydon Art Space and this is my review about it.

Upon arrival a brochure about the exhibition was given to me with an introduction to the first room by Paul Hall, the gallery’s curator. The brochure is small but well made and can easily fit into a pocket or small handbag so it’s very handy and I was glad I got to keep it, since the entry was free. All the artist galleries have a section dedicated to them. The entire gallery layout is also in the brochure.

The gallery has a mixture of paintings, mix media artists portraits and ceramic work, there is even a sculpture. The place looks small on the outside but has 3 rooms with lot of arts on display. Also it’s very well displayed: art work have information displayed, lights are placed above artwork giving a better view. The curator even pointed how some blue lights were placed above some work to enhanced the blue in the artwork.

There are 13 artists in this exhibition:

  • Jonny Kemp
  • Elisabeth Knapp
  • Rakel Wienberg
  • Peter Clossick
  • Halima Gumbarova
  • Andrey Beharie-McGee
  • Natasha Dovey
  • Sarah Wienberg
  • Martin Cade
  • Monica Mardare
  • Natasha Dovey
  • Barbara Gorton
  • Bread & Roses

What I like most:

I like that the curator was very knowledgeable about the artists in his gallery and took time to explain how they produced they artwork. Also he explained how he took care to position all artwork so none overshadow another. I like how he took turn to explain to visitors the stories behind some of the arts in his gallery. 

The very last room is very colourful and the artist Sarah Wienberg also used watercolour which is one of my favourite painting method. The entire 3rs room is about her portraits. I like that she painted the person black and white and bright colours showing the person’s emotions in the background and how it looked it was just a nice beautiful thing to look at! I also liked the story behind her portrait, it’s a very creative way to show different kind of emotions and display  depression and happiness in arts.

I also liked a portrait with waterfall artwork by Galina Gumbarova, the oil paintings by Peter Clossick. My favourite art work is by Sarah Wienberg and named: Finding Wisdom.

Sarah Wienberg portraits are so colourful their are amazing and she is one of my favourite artist now!

What could be improved I think the ceramic artwork is not protected and could be damaged easily by visitors.

Do I recommend this exhibition and why:

Yes because the curator Paul Hall took time to discuss and present arts on display introducing some the technique used and the idea behind some paintings. He also took time to explain how his art centre came to life. 

I like seeing all the different ways to produce portrait one of the artists (Jonny Kemp) art work is very similar to my art challenge so it was both useful and interesting to view his work.

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Dalila Letaief

Dalila Letaief

I love arts and drama, and am currently learning to play piano. I am also part of two clubs a performing art club and a visual art club.

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