Review: Prints and Drawings Virtual Gallery at The British Museum

On the 13th July 2023 I viewed the British Library Virtual gallery of prints and drawings.  This is my review about it.

Review: Prints and Drawings Virtual Gallery at The British Museum

What is this about this virtual gallery about:

« This virtual gallery is accessible online and is a selection from the extensive collection of Western graphic art in Prints and Drawings at the British Museum. The actual collection has more that 50,000 drawings and more than two million prints. This collection includes work by artists such as Durer, Michelangelo, Rembrandt, Hogarth, Goya, Kollwitz and Picasso ». (British Museum Website 2023)

The virtual gallery is divided into old master and modern contemporary artists.

What I like most

It’s great to be able to access the collection online from virtually anywhere in the world. I like that there’s a wideselection of art you can look ( different themes and drawing styles). I also like that they included art from various countries. It is easy to view this virtual gallery and I love that each art represented has some information about it.

What I did not like 

However the virtual gallery has a very small selection with 13 art pieces. That’s very small compared to the 50,000 drawings and I would have like to view a bit more of them. Also many part of the world are not represented perhaps because not many art are in this virtual gallery.

Would I recommend this

Accessing the full collection is possible so I do recommend this virtual gallery as a preview. However I do think more of the collection should be included in this gallery.

Header Image Credit: British museum

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Dalila Letaief

Dalila Letaief

I love arts and drama, and am currently learning to play piano. I am also part of two clubs a performing art club and a visual art club.

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  • Ryan Letaief

    On 13 June 2023, 23:42 Ryan Letaief commented:

    Well done Dalila! It’s a great review.

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