Where are they now? with Tarryne Wills: Arts Award 15th birthday

We catch up with Tarryne Wills, Bronze Award Award achiever and now TV Production Coordinator to celebrate Arts Award 15th birthday

2020 marks the 15th year since Arts Award launched! Can you believe Arts Award has been helping young people achieve their artistic desires for 15 years?! To celebrate we're interviewing Arts Award alumni from around 15 years ago to find out what they're up to now. 

Current job title

Production Coordinator, TV production

What are you up to in your creative work at the moment?

Tarryne works full-time as a Production Coordinator, based in Bristol. Coordinating for TV means organising all the filming teams – making sure they have everything to go out on a shoot, and booking locations, the team’s travel, accommodation and processing their expenses. Tarryne says: "It’s a job not many people immediately think about when they think of TV production, however it is extremely vital otherwise the filming wouldn’t go ahead! I have always wanted to do this role as I love spreadsheets and planning things!"

Tarryne can’t tell use what she's working on at the moment as she's sworn to secrecy, however, she did share that she's been working in Natural History productions for the last two years with lots of cute (and sometimes not so cute!) animals! The project she worked on last year is being released in October on AppleTV+. Other series she has worked on is BBC One’s Hugh & Anita’s War on Plastics and BBC Two’s The Twinstitute

What are the highlights of your arts career to date?

Working on the Plastics series really made me mindful of what we consume in our everyday life and how little changes can make a huge difference to the planet. In our work and office itself we used plastic free stationary, and took our own Tupperware to our favourite lunchtime takeaway places!

What’s been the biggest challenge you’ve faced in your creative work or career since completing your Arts Award?

Working with a huge production team on ‘Tiny World’. There was over 100 people in the office, so required a lot of people wrangling! Communication was definitely key to getting things done on time.

What do you hope to be doing in five years?

Tarryne's main ambition is to be a Production Manager in Natural History, working on one of the landmark series for the BBC. She would love to meet Sir David Attenborough in person!

Arts Award achievements

Bronze, 2009, Aimhigher, Venue: The Lighthouse, Poole Arts Centre

Silver, 2012, Poole High School

What did your Arts Award entail?

For her Bronze Arts Award, Tarryne created a short video of mixed media incorporating the theme of ‘Wind and Sails’ to celebrate the lead up/BID for Weymouth hosting the watersports for the 2012 Olympics. 

For her Silver Arts Award she created a music video for a local band ‘Toxic Munchies’. Tarryne undertook work experience at The Lighthouse, Poole Arts Centre, shadowing the theatre technicians. She also reviewed theatre shows and local concerts/tribute acts. Then, she taught a small class about how to use photoshop and a few photo manipulation tasks they could do. 

How did Arts Award develop your skills and creativity?

Tarryne said that completing her Bronze Arts Award built her confidence in learning new skills, meeting new people, and working in a team to create a project. Working on her Silver award was more individual, and it was great experience to be able to teach a skill to others. 

The work experience element of her Arts Award helped Tarryne get her first part-time job working in an arts establishment.

What advice would you give to young people doing Arts Award who want to follow in your footsteps?

Be open minded about what arts you want to incorporate in your projects. For my Bronze we used a mix of stop-start animation, contemporary dance and shadow puppetry to tell the story. It was great to expand my knowledge of these art forms. 
Try and think outside the box of where you can source equipment from. Our school didn’t have much filming equipment – it was just a small video camcorder. With limited or no budget you could approach local universities or colleges who may be able to lend out better equipment for your project. 

More about Tarryne Wills

Check out Tarryne on The Talent Manager or LinkedIn

Arts Award 15th Birthday!

b77866527a9a226c1b00a16e1b9f9d1cfa375231.jpgArts Award has been supporting the development of creativity and leadership skills for all young people for 15 years. Arts Award has championed creativity, nurtured talent and offered insights into the arts world, together with a taste of creative careers.Across the UK there are over 4,000 centres and an impressive 521,455 Award achieved.

Find out what we're up to and get some ideas about what you can do to celebrate, including our #LoveArtsAward15 social media competition running throughout September. 

Arts Award alumni news

Read more interviews with Arts Award alumi or visit the Arts Award Voice Community Hub for exclusive alumni updates, support and discounts. If you've recently finished your Arts Award and want to let us know what you're up to, drop Nici the Arts Editor an email


Nici West

Nici West Voice Team

Nici is the an editor for Voice. She loves all things books, theatre, music, art, visiting other countries, anything creative, and sometimes attempts to make YouTube videos. Alongside Voice she writes and edits through her own pursuits.You can occasionally find her running marathons dressed as a black dog.

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