Unit 2 in detail - Plan your project

Unit 2 is about running your own arts project

Parts A and B: plan the project

Identify the aims of your project and what you want to achieve, then organise the people and resources you need

  • You could run the team, have a major role within a wider team or work on your own, but you need to have a creative input.
  • Your project could be a single event, like a performance, a gig or an exhibition.
  • It may be a programme of arts activities – like a series of workshops or lessons.
  • It could be an arts publication, such as an arts magazine, a guide or a website.
  • Your project must be shared with an audience and you'll need to get their feedback.

Check with your adviser how to get professional advice about health and safety and legal requirements. If your project involves working with children you must arrange to have appropriate adult support.

Here are some examples...


Check out Nikki's project plan in her Blogspot portfolio and Chris's project plan or look at Jo's project plan summary

  • The needs and interests of your participants and/or audience
  • Roles and responsibilities
  • How you will publicly share the project
  • How you will evaluate the project
  • Health and safety considerations; risk assessments; any legal requirements. Here's Chris's risk register
  • Budget
  • Resources and equipment
  • Publicity and promotion
  • Where you can go for advice and support
  • Your back-up plan should things go wrong


Your project plan, including a project summary and your project aims


Any resources and tools to help you with this part of your Arts Award...

google keep

< Previous: Unit 1, Part D - Form a View | Next: Unit 2, Part B - Do >