How to save money this Christmas

It’s all too easy to spend more than we need to during the holidays, but here are a few things that can help curb your spending.

How to save money this Christmas

One thing that fills us with dread at this time of year is the amount we end up spending on all the unnecessary things we know we don’t need but can’t help but buy. We are drowning in Christmas advertising from the moment Halloween ends, and it gives us too much time to create lists and lists of unnecessary items we just have to have. Well, no more! Have a look at these six easy ways that can help you stay out of the red this Christmas.

Do your food shopping online

We are all guilty of having a shopping list we probably spent hours deliberating over and then getting to the store and spending a ridiculous amount on stuff that wasn’t even on it. Supermarkets use psychology to place their products strategically, and even though we all know it, we fall for it every time. Avoid this by doing your food shopping online, so you don’t lose your head like a kid in a candy store. When shopping online, you can simply search for the things on your list and add them one by one, cutting out all the temptation. 

You - 1

Subliminal supermarket psychology - 0

Stick to your budget

Christmas is designed to make us feel like spending a packet and that buying in excess is the only way to have a good time. It’s never been true, but we buy into it every year, and even get ourselves in debt to keep up with the commercialisation of it all. Not only that, but we buy in excess and end up accumulating a lot of waste. Creating and maintaining a budget can be a great way to get you to think about what you’re buying and to prioritise exactly what you need. Stick to your guns, stick to your budget, and you won’t go wrong.

Do not give in to the sales

Ah, the sales. You’ve just spent 100’s of pounds on who knows what, and the sales are not where you win your money back. The TV and online ads may be screaming at you to “buy buy buy,” but resist the urge, keep your head down, and just keep walking. Half of the items were probably cheaper the day before anyway, so you’re not missing out on anything. Repeat that mantra to yourself as you go about your business, as I know as well as the next person that the constant notifications from your apps and the big red sale signs in store windows are terribly intoxicating.

Group gift buying, anyone?

There’s nothing more tedious than doing the rounds and getting everyone’s gift preferences – especially if you have a big family or social group. Save yourself the drama because there is another way. From secret Santa to going in on a gift with friends or family can save you a lot of money and a lot of headache. It’s also more convenient as it eliminates you traipsing around the shops in the freezing cold, or bulk buying gift cards, which certainly adds up! 

Try making the presents

If you’re a bit strapped this holiday season, or you’d rather not buy into the charade of it all, why not spend your time instead of your money by making the perfect gift. Whether that be a scrapbook, knitwear or a nice ceramic bowl, it’s not only cheaper, but it shows you genuinely care. However, if you’re not naturally gifted at knitting, why not share another talent you have with them? Write them a song, paint them a picture or, my personal favourite, bake them something you know they will love that they can enjoy on Christmas Day. We have some great articles to help get you started. For example, ‘How to make Christmas accessories’, or  ‘How to make diy Christmas gifts’. 

Remember it’s only one day

Advertising for Christmas may start in October and go on for two months, but remember, it’s only one day. The pressures of the holiday can feel very real for some people, but there really is no need to cripple your finances for it. Do yourself a courtesy and work to remove the financial burden that Christmas brings. Whether you’re religious or not, Christmas is about spending time with loved ones, taking time out to reflect on the year, and looking forward to new beginnings. So bear that in mind and have yourselves a very merry Christmas without the not so merry maxed-out credit cards. 

Header Image Credit: Judy Dean


Saskia Calliste

Saskia Calliste Voice Team

Saskia is the Deputy Editor of Voice and has worked on campaigns such as International Women’s Day, Black History Month, and Anti-Bullying Week. Outside of Voice, Saskia is a published author (Hairvolution) and has guest featured in various other publications (The Women Writers’ Handbook/ Cosmopolitan/ The Highlight). She has a BA in Creative Writing and Journalism and an MA in Publishing. She is a mentor for Women of the World Global, has guest lectured at the University of Roehampton and has led seminars/panel talks on Race, Equality and Diversity. She was a 2022 Guest Judge for Dave (TV Channel) in search of the 'Joke of the Fringe'. She is 27-years-old, based in London, and loves to cook and explore new places in her spare time.

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  • Molly McIntosh

    On 20 December 2021, 13:08 Molly McIntosh Kickstart commented:

    I really like and appreciate this article as I feel like there is so much pressure and financial burden to try and give the best Christmas through gifts. It's such a struggle knowing what some people might want and I feel like the joy of gift giving is then taken away because your constantly worried about how much your spending and if people will even like or appreciate what you buy them. I definitely think sticking to a budget can be difficult sometimes but secret Santa is always fun and that way you only buy a present for one person 🙂

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