Emmerson Sutton, Bronze Arts Award

We caught up with Emmerson Sutton about his experience of doing his Bronze Arts Award with Mousetrap Theatre Projects. 

Emmerson Sutton, Bronze Arts Award

13-year-old Emmerson completed his Bronze Arts Award in music with Mousetrap Theatre Projects. He said he first got involved with Arts Award because his sibling Marvin was doing an Arts Award in drama with Lewisham Youth Theatre. Emmerson says: "I contacted my teacher at school and she encouraged me to do a Bronze Arts Award in music.  We researched the information and I was able to document my progress using the Voice Magazine and Trinity College London."

I am the very, very first Englishman performer to ever participate at the Louis Armstrong Summer Jazz Camp. Hopefully, we can now build on this historic experience and others will be able to be involved next year too.  


Tell us what you found out about your arts hero, and any cultural organisations you visited or events you attended

8b6ff1ac2d7d66a4c751c3228631a9804ff0ce5d.pngEmmerson went to the Louis Armstrong three-week Summer Jazz Camp, in New Orleans, America (Via Zoom Lessons). Emmerson says "Louis Armstrong was born in New Orleans, Louisiana and died in Corona, Queens, New York City. During a time of great oppression and racial segregation black and white people had to use separate facilities because of Jim Crow laws. The black struggle is real and a plan has been put in place to hold us back and keep us down. Despite the hardship faced jazz musicians like Louis Armstrong, Count Basie and Duke Ellington were extremely popular amongst white audiences."

"Just like Louis Armstrong, young people yearn for a good start in life, having a head start way above and beyond the school curriculum has given me chances and access to endless possibilities."

From this musical odyssey, I hope to encourage the younger generation to take a musical interest or another section within the remit of the art. Knowledge is power, with it, we can empower and achieve success not only for ourselves but also for the people around us. I aim to engage, educate, enlighten and excite just like Louis Armstrong did!

How did you share your arts skill?

Emmerson sent an invitation to associates and dignitaries to view the concert which was held on Saturday 8th August 2020. The Youtube link was public for ten days and is now private. 

Tell us about your portfolio

0d05ae4c794c13213cfb278e78ddb521250ca292.pngEmmerson prepared both written works, a musical PowerPoint presentation and a grand finale concert was the culmination of hard work over three weeks.

View Emmerson Sutton's #Musicmademe portfolio here. Check out more about Emmerson's experience at the Louis Armstrong Summer Jazz Camp or all of his Bronze Arts Award portfolio collection on Voice here


What was most valuable to you personally? 

Knowing and understanding the contribution Louis Armstrong made to music, film, and humanitarian causes. Emmerson says "Today we have Civil Rights, Inclusion, Diversity, Racial tension, with Corona. Louis went through all of these challenges spanning five decades."

What inspired you?

The time that the teachers devoted to all of us.  The whole opportunity was just amazing!

What did you find challenging? 

Emmerson found the time difference challenging to start with but he found he quickly got used to it.


What do you plan to do next? 

He is planning to do the Silver Arts Award next, with the theme of Louis Armstrong. This time, he will be including not only his musicianship but also his many films, penmanship and critiquing for younger children.

If you have completed an Arts Award and would like to be profiled too, join our Arts Award Alumni and let us know about your experience.


Nici West

Nici West Voice Team

Nici is the an editor for Voice. She loves all things books, theatre, music, art, visiting other countries, anything creative, and sometimes attempts to make YouTube videos. Alongside Voice she writes and edits through her own pursuits.You can occasionally find her running marathons dressed as a black dog.

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