20 January 2023
A Good Storyline Makes a Theatre Show - By Rebekah Leslie
I explore the question of what makes a good theatre show and argue that the storyline is key.
25 May 2020
Barriers to Participation Within the Arts
So many people don't participate within the arts or find it hard to do so. I want to find out what the barriers to participation within the arts are, how this has come to be and what is being done to help tackle this issue.
21 May 2020
Should Photography be Allowed in Galleries?
For my Gold Arts Award Arts Issue, I have chosen the topic 'Should Photography be Allowed to be Taken in Museums and Art Galleries?'. This is when you go on a visit to arts and heritage venue and photography is banned in an exhibition.
19 November 2019
Should Art be censored?
For my Gold Arts Award, I have chosen to explore the issue of ' Should art be censored ' because I find 'Freedom of Expression in the Arts and Entertainment ' to be an influential part of artistic expression and believe art shouldn't need censorship.
13 April 2019
Why is there no representation of black people in the arts?
The arts issue I have chosen is about representation of black people in the arts. I wanted to explore why this is.
31 December 2017
What makes something art?
For my Arts Award Gold issue, I wanted to explore the idea of what exactly qualifies something as artwork. I decided to present this in a physical portfolio. Hopefully both the photos and my handwriting are clear this time! It would be great to hear some of your opinions too.
13 March 2017
Why Should We Fund The Arts?
This is part of my gold arts award Unit 1 Part D
13 March 2017
Is graffiti vandalism or art?
This is my unit 1 part D arts issue for my gold arts award.
13 March 2017
Are female characters represented as powerless characters in film?
This is my Unit 1 Part D, Arts issue for Gold Award.