One incredible woman, two continents and two completely different exhibitions.
Last summer I visited the V&A's tribute to Frida Kahlo which I left feeling sad and disappointed. Here is my original review Fast foward eight months and I'm in New York and have just come back from an amazing day at the Brooklyn Museum.
So what was so do different? Everything! Instead of focusing on her illness, pain and injuries it was a celebration of her life.
The first thing you immediately notice is the space. Everything is easy to view and well spaced out. While there was no music the decent lighting meant I didn't feel like a mole squinting and trying to get my eyes to adjust to the gloomy darkness. Instead of being bunched together, all her clothes were spread out and the mirrors behind them, made it easy to see both the back and front of her beautiful skirts and huilips (tops).
The text on the walls was child-friendly and easy to read and understand. The display cabinets were simply laid out and everything was clearly visible. I learnt lots from this exhibition and thoroughly enjoyed it.