Take it Away 10th anniversary celebrations

Voice magazine was lucky enough to attend Take it Away’s 10th anniversary on Monday 12th March at Bush Hall, London. And it was a riveting evening of live music, good food and drinks, and plans for the next 10 years.

Take it Away 10th anniversary celebrations

We were greeted at the door by charity @LearnMusicHouse handing out various musical instruments for a mysterious 69f4f1103e2a1ea6234add656642f42ab22a7fe9.JPGLearn Music Houseaudience participation element we’re promised is coming later. As we grab drinks and dive in to some of the delicious foods, our conversations were interrupted by a blast of brass from the World Heart Beat Music Academy's New Orleans Jazz Band, appearing at the window of the room above. As we all turned to watch they made their way down the stairs, forming a procession through the crowd as they led us to the stage. 

97aec77b444938e9e1bd0495662d4729da22318e.JPGWorld Heart Beat Music Academy's New Orleans Jazz BandChief Exec of Creative United, Mary-Alice Stack, then welcomed us all by sharing the story of Take it Away to-date, and how it grew from an ambition to make music accessible to all. Next up was the inimitable John Kelly who performed with the impressive Kellycaster, also called ‘a thing of beauty’. The Kellycaster is an adapted instrument which enables it to be played one-handed, something which Creative United and Take it Away are passionate about helping to create. Feeling moved by John Kelly’s protest inspired songs, we then we’re introduced to some special guest speakers including 4884587f270a622b982874d5c7fb4c301a5354a3.JPGTony Bowen the human jukeboxDarren Henley OBE, Chief Executive of Arts Council England, and Andrew Miller, the Government’s newly appointed disability champion for arts and culture. Andrew spoke about the need to make disability inequality a thing of the past and the current state of accessibility in the arts.

Then, to get us on our feet and dancing, Tony Bowen, aka the human jukebox took to the stage to perform song requests that the audience was live Tweeting to Tony. It was an all participation sing-along, as we all sung along with Tony and shook our musical instruments from Learn Music House. 

Overall, a fab celebration of 10 years with Take it Away and we're looking forward to what the next ten years hold! 


Nici West

Nici West Voice Team

Nici is the an editor for Voice. She loves all things books, theatre, music, art, visiting other countries, anything creative, and sometimes attempts to make YouTube videos. Alongside Voice she writes and edits through her own pursuits.You can occasionally find her running marathons dressed as a black dog.

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  • Luke Taylor

    On 26 March 2018, 10:01 Luke Taylor Contributor commented:

    This looks brilliant, Nici!

  • Diana Walton

    On 26 March 2018, 10:26 Diana Walton Voice Team commented:

    Sounds brilliant, wish I could have been there but glad you made it. Take it Away and Arts Award grew up together!

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