​​Glenn Moore: Glengarry Glen Glenn

Glenn Moore has the wow factor

​​Glenn Moore: Glengarry Glen Glenn

Glenn Moore's play with words won the crowd over with his humorous stories about his childhood and his struggle with being young and trying to be cool and hip while living in a small remote village for old people – to paraphrase his description of his town.

The stories of his life in a rural place was relatable and funny, discussing how there's only one Waitrose that's next to the post office.

His mannerisms reminded me of a young Jeremy Clarkson but funnier and a little nerdier. He wouldn't punch anyone in the face, but frantically get angry in the funniest way.

It was a refreshing take on stand up that I haven't seen in a while but very much appreciate. His unexpected punchlines keep you guessing. Although he shares the misfortunes in his life, I couldn't help but laugh at the way he described them – hilarious.

It was a great show to watch, the turnout was good and the jokes kept the audience laughing throughout.

Would definitely recommend if you need a laugh.

* * * * *

Aug 14, 16-28. 6pm. Read more here.


Idriss Assoumanou

Idriss Assoumanou Contributor

Idriss is a Film Maker and photographer based in Birmingham. He has directed and produced many films over the years and has mentored a lot of people on their first journey into film making. He likes to write articles based on art and creativity, like his industry 'how to…' guides, where he explains and shares his experiences in film making and other areas. He also films and edits professional showreel scenes for actors to add to their portofio.

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