Sex and God

Sex and God is a moving and gut-wrenching play, performed beautifully by an all-female company.

Sex and God

This is a play spanning an entire century, with each female character representing a different period of time and the struggles that women faced during that time. Each story weaves together beautifully so you can hear all four stories at the same time. The stories were incredibly emotional and somewhat hard to listen to in places, but they represent the true struggles women faced and continue to face every day.

The four girls in the company were all very strong actors individually, and they worked amazingly as a group, completely in tune with each other, and no one ever missed a beat. The show was completely moving and incredibly honest and to the point. I thought it was a very courageous piece to perform and they did a wonderful job.

The lighting was simple and effective and the set was nothing more than a few stalls which the cast moved around to reflect the action. The costumes made it easy to place roughly which part of the century the girls were from and their ability to act out dialogue between themselves, and someone else without the other person there, made the show truly mesmerising.

Although at times it isn't an easy show to watch, I would definitely recommend seeing it as it is performed beautifully and deserves to be seen.


Sex and God has its final show tonight (Sunday 8th May) at 7pm.

For more information, click here.


Jo Nead

Jo Nead Contributor

I am a Hertfordshire based RADA graduate working in Stage Management. I like to knit, cook and travel and I can always be found in or talking about a theatre!

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