The acts of this ad-hoc variety show were played by the Yeti duo themselves. They're terribly quick-witted and incredibly talented improvisers as well as being hilarious in a very NSFW way.
Yeti's certainly took advantage of their venue – smack bang in the middle of a beer garden. They could only have known that their audacity would've fallen on deaf ears were there not so much merriment in the seats.
There were small and almost invisible technical hiccups, which, even though they could have gone undetected by most, they played up to and incorporated into their slapstick humour. The level of energy was infectious and their musical numbers were reminiscent of Nick Helm and Tim Minchin – dark yet endearingly childish.
One half of the duo, Vicky Falconer-Pritchard, was completely unstoppable. It felt a lot like she was riffing with the audience more than even she intended, but she couldn't seem to stop herself. She managed to totally pick up a crowd, which filled just over half the venue, and did so effortlessly. Her physicality and facial expressions were brilliant, and she pushed her entire body into conjuring up a slapdash whimsy, which I, for one, could not get enough of.
The company may have fallen short with the 'variety' element of the show, though. Despite being entertaining characters with equal amounts of oddness, they were all very much the same. Costume changes, however impressively swift, do not a character maketh.
It's this most infantile style of comedy that endures, though.
Sadly, 'Yeti's Demon Dive Bar' by East End Cabaret shuts tonight, on the 7th. But they have another show, 'Perverts' in the first week of June, details for which are available here.