Artwork produced by rescue dogs goes up for auction

Artworks created by dogs are going up for auction to support an animal rescue charity in Redcar. 

Artwork produced by rescue dogs goes up for auction

The charity SARA (Saving and Rehoming Animals) has made artists of its rescued animals to raise funds during the pandemic. 

Using non-toxic paint, plastic sheets and peanut butter, the rescue dogs have created beautiful abstract paintings by licking and standing on a canvas.

Centre manager Abigail Armstrong said volunteers were "very impressed" with the outcome of the artworks. "We never really expected them to look as good as they did," she said.

Ms Armstrong added that Akita-cross Jimmy and retired greyhound Peanut loved producing the art the most because "they love treat time, so when they had the chance to enjoy some doggy peanut butter, they were over the moon". Oliver the rabbit also created a painting. 

Formed in 1995 to help stray and unwanted animals, the charity currently has 15 dogs, 23 cats and four rabbits in its care. It costs from £180,000 to £200,000 a year to run, with the vet bills alone sometimes in excess of £45,000 a year.

"The pandemic has had a huge impact on our charity, we weren't able to rehome any animals at all during the first lockdown. The aim of our charity is to help animals in need and find them their forever homes, so it's been a worrying time for everyone here at SARA," Armstrong said. 

The charity hopes to raise £500 with the Animal Artists Auction at the rescue centre on 14 August.

You can donate to SARA on their website here

Header Image Credit: SARA


Claire Jenns

Claire Jenns Kickstart Team

English Literature graduate, loves reading, writing and travel.

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