The best TED picks: on technology, kids and education

Who says it best? The most informative videos about the importance of creative technology from an early age.

The best TED picks: on technology, kids and education

We all know that technology and creativity are linked, that those who find the most exciting results with tech are those who know how to think in new and innovative ways. But, is this link always reflected in education? Is this link appreciated as people go on to choose careers? Here are some of our favourite talks, that sum up the importance of investigating technology from a young age (in a creative manner) and that hint at some of the enormous potential that lies in a creative relationship with tech. Want to explore further? Take a look here for a whole host of other ideas.

Mitch Resnick: Let's teach kids to code

Thomas Suarez: A 12-year-old app developer

Anant Agarwal: Why massively open online courses (still) matter

Image: JD Hancock via Flickr


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