Cast of Thousands at The Potteries Museum & Art Gallery

Ceramic figurines have been a popular feature in the ceramics industry. Students learn about the history of these objects, the heroes and villains that inspired them and are encouraged to create their own stories of interpretation.

Cast of Thousands at The Potteries Museum & Art Gallery

About this event

Starts: Tuesday 24 September 2019 (All day)

Ends: Tuesday 24 September 2019 (All day)

At: The Potteries Museum & Art Gallery, Bethesda Street, City Centre, Staffordshire, ST1 3DW

Organised by: The Potteries Museum & Art Gallery

Ceramic figures have been a mainstay of Stoke-on-Trent’s ceramics industry since the late-18th century and Potteries Museum & Art Gallery have an extensive collection of these fascinating objects. This CLAY Museum project will ask students to look at the different types of figures in our collection; who is represented? Why were these people chosen? And who would they represent as a figure today?

The Cast of Thousands workshop will link to aspects of the English and History Curriculum, giving students the opportunity to explore ideas of story-telling and character building through exploration of the collections and a hands-on ceramics workshop.

CLAY Museum is a partnership between The Potteries Museum & Art Gallery and BCB British Ceramics Biennial.

Linked to Key Stage 3 & 4 English, History and Art & Design

Workshops available on Tuesdays:

17 September

24 September

1 October

15 October

5 November


Museum Education

Museum Education

The Potteries Museum & Art Gallery.
Discover the history of The Potteries including the world's greatest collection of Staffordshire ceramics, decorative arts and natural science.
See items from the Staffordshire Hoard and visit the museum café and shop.
FREE entry - Donations welcome
Open: Wednesday - Saturday 10am - 5pm, Sunday 11am - 4pm

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