Molly Treves, Bronze and Silver Arts Award Achiever

We talk to Molly about her experience of doing her Bronze and Silver Arts Award with Nucleus Arts Centre. Molly shares with us her experience of photography, videography, writing AND art, and how she built her portfolio.

Molly Treves, Bronze and Silver Arts Award Achiever

We talk to Molly about her experience of doing her Bronze and Silver Arts Award with Nucleus Arts Centre. Molly shares with us her experience of photography, videography, writing AND art, and how she built her portfolio.

Hi Molly, what level(s) of Arts Award have you done? 

I've done my Bronze and Silver Arts Award. I've taken part in photography, videography, writing and art.

What events did you go to as part of your Arts Award? 

The LUSH Summit (February)

Canary Wharf Lights Display (January) 

Canary Wharf Remembrance day display (November)

Screen Writing Workshop (September)

Poetry Writing Workshop (March)

Photography session (December)

Ruth Dent Exhibition (March)

Cinderella Exhibition (March)

Tell us about your art hero or an artist you worked with

I worked with Tommy Reynolds, Rob Young and Deke Dobson. All of them were brilliant and helpful. I still keep in contact with Rob and he gives me brilliant advice and helps me still to this day. 

How did you share your art skills? 

I set up a Facebook page and shared my journey on there. I found it useful putting online as more people could see it, and I got some great tips and advice.

Can you share your portfolio with us? 



What did you find most valuable? 

Having the finished piece in front of me. Once I completed the award I felt a slight relief, and thought 'i did it'.

What did you find most inspiring?

I thought creating my book was inspiring, to have a piece of your life put into a fictional story takes hard work. But it's worth it in the end.

What did you find most challenging?

Everything was challenging, I think the book was more challenging though. It took up my entire daily schedule and trying to get it finished on time was a nightmare!

What are you going to do next? And has Arts Award helped you?

I'm currently writing my second book and taking my time. I don't really know my plans for the future but Arts Award has definitely helped me. It has built up some of my confidence. It has also gotten me a qualification!

How did you get involved in Arts Award in the first place? 

I had a few people talk to me about it before and never knew what it was. But when I went and talked to my adviser she gave me everything I needed to know about the Award process.

Who gave you the most help and inspiration? 

Definitely Rob Young. Rob helped me throughout my book journey and if it wasn't for his help then I don't know where I would be now. He also did an interview to help me with my Award and I still can't thank him enough.

Can you tell us a bit about what you're doing at the moment? 

All I can say is I'm currently writing my second book and aiming to get it properly published.

View more of Molly's portfolio: 

 Link to Molly's review of the Canary Wharf Lights display:

LUSH Summit vlog:

Molly's story:


Nici West

Nici West Voice Team

Nici is the an editor for Voice. She loves all things books, theatre, music, art, visiting other countries, anything creative, and sometimes attempts to make YouTube videos. Alongside Voice she writes and edits through her own pursuits.You can occasionally find her running marathons dressed as a black dog.

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