Tate Ashbury | TrinityTalent 2021

TrinityTalent celebrates Arts Award achiever Tate for Creative Flair.

19-year-old Tate was nominated for TrinityTalent for Creative Flair. She achieved Gold Arts Award with Arts Award Initiative Limited UK (AAI). She created art with a nature theme from found objects and made a public display to prompt people to think about environmental issues.

Tate was nominated by her Arts Award adviser, Carol Leach, who said: "Tate is dedicated to protecting the environment. She created a brilliant presentation in which she discussed the extravagances of art and pondered on the rights of an artist to pollute, whilst acknowledging the positive effect art can have on the public."

The TrinityTalent panel said: "Tate demonstrates strong work via her choices of subjects and in her execution. Her use of environmentally friendly materials shows that she's thinking creatively about the wider subject issue. We can see how she expresses her values in her practice which we find incredibly detailed and inspiring."

How do you feel about being selected to be part of TrinityTalent Class of 2021 and being recognised in this way?
I'm delighted, and it's unexpected, a really nice surprise.

How do you feel you have developed creatively and artistically in 2021?
I think that doing Gold Arts Award really helped me during the pandemic, as it helped focus me. It has been a rewarding, positive experience. I have totally embraced it, creatively.

What impact did your Arts Award achievement have on your artistic development?
It has helped in many ways, artistically, creatively and positively. It has shown me what I can do, what I can achieve. It has been a roller coaster - hugely enjoyable, sometimes hard, but worth it.

Arts Award has pushed my creativity and enabled me to seek out and experience different disciplines. To me, expanding my artistic development is like a drum beat, as it starts to unfold, the drum beat gets louder and more rhythmic, until you have an amazing song or symphony. I know it's an odd way of explaining, but this is how it felt for me.

Has taking part in an Arts Award helped you to develop wider skills, such as communication skills, creativity or confidence?
Yes, I think gaining this qualification is brilliant for confidence artistically. It has really shown me what I can do, creatively. I have worked through all the Arts Awards, from Bronze, Silver and Gold. It's been challenging, but in a really positive way if that makes sense; planning, creating structure and achieving results.

What are the next steps for you artistically and creatively in 2022?
College, more art and design!

What are your longer term aims, for example for your future studies or work?
University hopefully, I'm hoping to have a career in the creative industries

Have you got any advice for other young people working towards an Arts Award?
Arts Award is a really positive experience: You can work when and how it suits you; you can be yourself, and Arts Award reflects this. I would say, take your time, plan, explore, oh, and find a mentor. I had Carol Leach, who was amazing and supportive. 

Is there anything creative you’re currently working on you’d like to tell us about?
I'm currently working on a photography project, which is fun - looking at images, textures, and creative space.

Read more about the talented young people selected to be featured as part of the TrinityTalent Class of 2021.


Trinity Talent

Trinity Talent

TrinityTalent celebrates talented young people achieving Trinity’s music, drama and Arts Award qualifications in the UK.

Teachers and students can nominate young artists aged 13-25 who have shown excellence in one of the following categories during 2021: CREATIVE FLAIR | PROGRESS | LEADERSHIP

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