Bronze Arts Award part D - plan

I have planned how I am going to share my arts skill activity with my brother

Describe your arts skill share activity

The skill I want to share is what I have learnt when I have been taking photos for my arts award project. The things that I have learned are

1. How to take a photo more interesting by taking the photo close to make it an abstract image.

2. I also learned that timing is important. As well as meaning that you must take lots of pictures to get the perfect photo.

3. Finally, how to balance the contrast between the two main focuses in the image.

I want to share and teach my brother how to take a good photo. He is particularly keen on taking photos and how to create shadows and the backgrounds.

I have chosen this activity to share because I would like to know if I am good at explaining how to take good photos because it is fun for me to take photos.

I will need to think about how I explain things so that they are easy to understand and if he has a good camera. Finally, if he wants to take pictures outside, what the weather is and the time of day he does it.

I want to make sure that my brother can understand how to take a good photo at the end of the day. I also want him to understand how to compose a good photo with maybe some shadows and light and darkness and finally the contrast.

A step by step plan

1. I would show him the pictures I have taken for my arts award

2. talk about which ones are good photos and what is it that makes them good.

3. Which ones are not so good and what is it that hasn’t worked well.

4. He can then choose to focus on one of the areas I have worked on – close ups, shadows and composition.

5. He can then have a go taking pictures with his camera.

What practical things do you need to organise?

The time of day and the weather!

Do It when he is not busy.

That he has his phone or his camera ready.

How will you collect evidence of doing your arts skills share?

My mother will take pictures of us looking at the photos I have taken and talking about them and I will then photograph him taking photos.

I hope that he will be able to upload some of the photos he has taken showing the points he has learnt from me,

How will you know if your arts skill share has gone well?

I hope he will have enjoyed it. If he listens to me and has a go at taking some pictures himself I will know that it has gone well.

How will you collect feedback on how it went?

I will ask him to fill out a review sheet which I will upload,

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Non Gittins

Non Gittins

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  • Hayley Ellams

    On 3 September 2020, 12:11 Hayley Ellams commented:

    This is a clear and detailed plan Non. I'm looking forward to hearing how your skill sharing goes.

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