Welcome to another Culture Lockdown post where, this week, we’re taking a look at everything the dance community is putting together in order for you to carry on dancing at home.
Sadler’s Wells Digital Stage
Sadler’s Wells is still pouring out content through their Digital Stage platform. Here you can find dozens of archived performances that were previously streamed.They also have new performances scheduled to be streamed every Friday at 7:30pm.
Find out more: https://www.sadlerswells.com/whats-on/2020/sadlers-wells-digital-stage/
Matthew Bourne’s New Adventures
Join New Adventures everyday at 10am and join in with their 45 minute live streamed morning company class.These are easily accessible to find as you can join in via Instagram Live.
Find out more: https://www.instagram.com/mbnewadventures/
Jasmin Vardimon Company
Join Jasmin Vardimon Company as they lead weekly virtual intensives. They have classes to accommodate everyone with a creative movement class for over 50’s, a youth dance technique class for ages 12-18.
Find out more: http://jasminvardimon.com/education/pop-up-space/?fbclid=IwAR2pEoVwxMaJN_lcoJtGaDGuXM9IQgRmJ6GPEGhVBxlPMk5_hZ9yGtMNH5Q
Mconie Company
Choreographer Drew McOnie has moved his weekly classes from Pineapple Dance Studios to Instagram Live. Join Mconie Company every Thursday at 7pm to learn a new combination each time.
Find out more: https://www.instagram.com/mconiecompany/?hl=en
Online streaming services have upped their game recently and if you need your dance kick, Disney+ have the broadway version of Newsies (a dance masterpiece) and the brand new High School Musical spin off series which will fulfil all of your dance and musical theatre needs.
Find out more: https://www.disneyplus.com/en-gb/
The Wonderful World of Dance
Top up your dance knowledge with The Wonderful World of Dance. You can read dozens of dance related articles, reviews and news to keep up to date with the industry.
Find out more: https://www.thewonderfulworldofdance.com
Anastasia - The Royal Ballet
As part of The Royal Opera House’s #OurHouseToYourHouse series, The Royal Ballet YouTube premiers their production of Anastasia.
Whilst in lockdown I’ve rediscovered old TED talks on dance and if you’re interested in other people’s perspectives, ideas and processes, there is a great selection of TED talks and articles led by a huge variety of people. One of my favourites is Wayne McGregor’s.
Find out more: https://www.ted.com/topics/dance
Watch Wayne McGregor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPPxXeoIzRY