How To: Continue your dance training during quarantine

Dance Teacher and Choreographer, Lucy Dyson, shares her top tips on how to continue your dance training from home in the midst of self-isolation.

How To: Continue your dance training during quarantine

In the midst of what can be a very important time of the year for dancers and performers in training, with agency showcases, dissertations and classes to attend, the dreaded virus seems to have come at the worst time. However, I’m a big believer in finding the positive out of negative situations and with all this extra free time suddenly thrown at you, there are ways to continue your progression and training and come out of this stronger.

I’ll be sharing with you some of my top tips on how to continue your dance training during the quarantine!


Classes are pretty much what dancers rely on most during their training and it may seem very disheartening not to be able to continue training. That being said, there are ways to keep your dancing shoes on!

Online classes don’t just have to be for those with lectures, YouTube is home to several incredible teachers and choreographers that put out their classes for you to take at home, for free! (hip hop, gymnastics, salsa - take a look!)

Hip Hop


Gaga classes


For Kids

There is so much out there, you just have to google!


Use this time to read some industry specific books and make yourself more knowledgeable about the career you’re training to work in. Maybe your college/uni has an online library for you to take advantage of. If not, invest in yourself and use audible, podcasts or blogs!


Continue the fitness regime you’re already in as much as possible. If you want to switch it up or feel like you need a teacher to keep you motivated, check out the online resources.

Instagram and YouTube are flooded with workout videos, follow along classes and exercise ideas. Find what works for you and keep up your fitness!


This is the perfect time to find out what you don’t know. Research companies, choreographers, practitioners, artists. Anything you can do to make yourself more knowledgeable, makes you more employable. You might want to take it one step further and take an online CPD course. Set yourself apart from the rest and improve yourself and your employability.


Streaming platforms enable you to watch musicals, plays and performances from the comfort of your own living room. Contact your uni and see which additional platforms you have access to (members of CDD have access to dozens of plays, dance productions and musicals!). Netflix, YouTube and Sky Arts have an abundance of videos ready and waiting for you.


Use this time to develop your improvisational skills. Improv is a vital skill to hone for dancers of all genres and the best part is that you don’t need a huge studio to work on it! Use a corner of your room, your kitchen or your garden and just move to your favourite tunes.


It’s not often we have time to just sit and think. Education can be a whirlwind. You go from nursery to university without a lot of time to think about what it is you really want to do. Research what jobs are available now and see where you think you’d like to be. Take a look at what employers are actually asking for and work on those skills. Think about the bigger picture.


Probably the most important tip, allow yourself to rest. There is an epidemic going on so don’t get caught up in the hustle culture and feel like you have to be doing something every second of the day. Training is strenuous on your body and rest is rare so use some of your extra time to really look after yourself. Prioritise self care, always.
                                                                                                            . . .

In times of uncertainty, I hope you are able to find the silver lining in your time off. There are so many ways to keep training and learning in the safety of your own home. Make sure you share this article with another dancer or performer who might feel disheartened at the minute. Ensure you rest and take care of yourself, especially if you are feeling any symptoms and stay safe.

Header Image Credit: One Dance UK


Lucy Dyson

Lucy Dyson Contributor

Lucy is a 19 year old freelance dancer, teacher and choreographer based in Yorkshire. Expect industry specific advice and news, artist interviews and theatre reviews.

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  • Abigail Longworth

    On 18 March 2020, 17:10 Abigail Longworth commented:

    Your ‘how to continue your dance training during quarantine’ is very helpful and we definitely be using this!! Xx

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