Gold Arts Award Journey - Part 1

Hi, I'm Lily Payne.

Gold Arts Award Journey - Part 1

I study at the Purcell school and am in year 9. first of all, i planned to do the Silver Arts Award. As a class, we felt could do more, this is when we decided to go gold. At the moment, i have started a piece for classical saxophone and am planning to get lessons taught by my older brother who is a fantastic player. This is all for unit 1a.

For unit 1b, i have started to write about what i would like to do after i leave school and what i would like to do as a career. I'm also thinking about helping out with rehearsals as my arts award group are planning on doing a 24 hour opera and i want to take part. 

For unit 1c, i have done many reviews on concerts and festivals i have been to recently, i also plan to go to some more soon and i will keep you updated on these events. 

For unit 1d, i have started a piece of writing on the topic of, does being at a music school impact your future? i only have a plan for unit 2 at the moment. I had the idea that me and my arts award class would go to a local primary school and do a fun presentation on music and instruments. 

I will keep you updated on my arts award journey. Thanks for reading! 

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Lily  Payne

Lily Payne

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  • Kheira Bey

    On 23 February 2018, 22:31 Kheira Bey Contributor commented:

    A 24-hour opera! Wow! Good luck

  • Nici West

    On 27 February 2018, 08:24 Nici West Voice Team commented:

    This sounds great! 24-hour opera will be impressive and I'm interested to know your thoughts on how music school impacts your future. Keep us up to date :)

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