Things to be thankful for

When it comes to thinking of things to be thankful for, there isn't a short list. I am thankful to the person who invented pizza, thankful for film and thankful for books. Over the three years that it took me to complete all three of my Arts Awards, I have a lot of people to be thankful for.

Things to be thankful for

When I first started out on my Arts Award journey, there was a big group of us who were working towards our Bronze, when it came to Silver the group got smaller and by the time I came to do my Gold it was just me. If it wasn't for the Youth Theatre leader- Tessa Buddle, it wouldn't have been possible for me to accomplish them all.

Tessa was the person that made sure I had all of the resources required and that I was able to get in contact with the people that I needed to. She was with me every week for a catch up and to offer any advice on how I can make my award better. I was part of the Brindley Youth theatre at the time, and without the Brindley Youth theatre I wouldn't of had the opportunities to experience theatre and art which I could then talk about and review in my units. I wouldn't have had the opportunities I had to work with people in the industry who helped me develop my skills further and approach my art in less obvious ways and still create something great.

I'm thankful for Tessa helping me with my Arts Award and sticking with me, even when everyone else had moved on and didn't want to progress with the awards. I had it in my head that I wanted to see the awards through to the end and Tessa made that vision possible. Without Tessa I would never of had the opportunity to become an Arts Award Activist, she helped me get through my Gold award which then gave me the platform to apply and become part of a group that has provided me with endless opportunities and introduced me to some of the most talented and amazing people on the team.

Another person that help me a lot, especially during my Gold Award was Jeni McConnell. When it came to thinking about what challenge I wanted to set myself for my award, Tessa suggested that I work with Jeni, who was a visual artist. Jen very kindly allowed me, a clueless actor to accompany her on her latest project which revolved around the history of Halton, the borough that I live in. Jeni let me help her collect the items we needed, interview different historians and even let me join her on the radio to promote our event.

I worked with Jeni for around six months, she helped me approach ideas in ways I may not have thought to approach them before we met and helped me think outside of the box. She takes everyday issues and ideas and turns them into wonderful pieces of art and it was a pleasure getting to work with her and learn from her.

I am thankful to The Brindley for constantly providing endless and a wide variety of productions for the local residents to watch and take part in. Going to the theatre is one of my favourite things and having one literally 5 minutes away from my house at affordable prices is one thing I will never take for granted and appreciate for the rest of my life.

One last thing I should mention I am thankful for is Emrys and the team at Arts Award on Voice, whenever I get the chance to spend time with these people I know I am going to be creating memories that will stick with me and entertain me even weeks after they've happened. Thank you Emrys for giving me the chance to join the team and the team for accepting me and just being genuinely great people.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of our readers! Comment below all of the things you're thankful for this Thanksgiving!


Ashlee Brown

Ashlee Brown Activist

My name is Ashlee, I'm 23 from the North West. I'm an actor and hope to go into a career of TV and Film. My experience with arts award so far has took me on a journey, full of developing new skills and meeting new people. Keep an eye on my profile for blogs on events I attend, reviews and advice!

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  • Nici West

    On 23 November 2017, 10:29 Nici West Voice Team commented:

    Thanks, Ashlee, It's amazing to know how many people can help and be supportive throughout your Arts Award!

  • Luke Taylor

    On 23 November 2017, 10:45 Luke Taylor Contributor commented:

    I'm also thankful for the people who helped me through my Arts Award!

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