More pictures will be coming soon plus videos, so check back! Photo credits go to Eileen Tracey, Luke Taylor & Idriss Assoumanou.
GOLDExpo Gallery
by Emrys Green
Here's a few highlights from GOLDExpo 2016

Geffrye Museum, London, running an object handling workshop

Vicki Taylor from Work In Progress, Birmingham, performing her moving poems

Brady Arts & Community Centre, London, running a print workshop

A shot of the exhibition - photo: Trinity College London

Kamal Karimullah & his cast sharing their theatre piece on OCD, from Tiger Monkey, London - photo: Trinity College London

Rachel Ward, circus artist, from Rose School, Blackpool

Chingford Foundation School, London, running workshops

Guests in the market place

Moving Together Dance Company, Leicester, perform Bollywood

The Arts Award Youth Network welcome guests to the Live Show - Ashlee Brown (North West), Carli Green (South West), Shannon Hay (South East) & Neha Lakhanpaul (London)

Chris Hill from Nottingham beatboxing on the flute

Faz Shah & Chris Hill improvising together - beatboxing & flute

Faz Shah from Oldham on electric violin, playing his new release 'Summer Ice'

Laura Gander-Howe, Learning Director at Arts Council England, giving the keynote address

Panel discussion about the impact of doing Gold Arts Award. Agi K (Gold achiever 2014), Faz Shah (Gold achiever 2011), Laura Gander-Howe (Learning Director, Arts Council England) and chaired by Tom Inniss (Gold achiever 2012 & Deputy Editor of Arts Award Voice)

The Cake Penguin!

Reality Boots big band from Skimstone Arts, Newcastle

Johanna Coulson from Kent busking in the marketplace

Cotton ball display by Meredith Dickin and Shannon

Meredith & Shannon socialising with the penguin (photo: Trinity College London)

Faz Shah performing the electric violin (photo: Trinity College London)

Rachel Ward performing on the unicycle (photo: Trinity College London)

Arts Award blue booklet

Luke Taylor (Voice Reporter) documenting the set-up

Main Desk

Cotton ball display and Arts Award banner

Alice Wyatt (Arts Award Alumni) & Jo Nead (Voice Activist)

Reality Boots in rehearsal

Lead singers of Reality Boots

Arts Award Voice display

Arts Award blue phamplets

Moving Together in performance

Ashlee Brown (Voice Activist) in penguin form.