Marlowe Theatre trip

Last Friday, nearly everyone in my year went to the Marlowe Theatre in Canterbury watch Michael Rosen’s Unexpected Twist, and I wanted to give an honest review about it.

Marlowe Theatre trip

The fact that the cast could use their own voices to make music and sound effects is amazing, it genuinely sounded as if there was actual music being played. Their talent and ability to move around props, change clothing in under a minute is unique and I was really entertained. The storyline is basically a modern version of Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist, although it made sense.

Shona, the main character of the show did well in her role. Her singing is a gift from God and her acting skills were on point. The way she’s able to express her emotions feels realistic and you can see how she is feeling without even having to guess.

If I had to say something that needs to be improved, I would say to cut a bit with the British slang, since I couldn’t really take it that seriously, although I found it quite funny. It would also been nice if Michael Rosen was there, but it’s understandable why he couldn’t turn up.

Overall, I would recommend this to people who like theatre productions. Thanks for taking the time to read my review!

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Jessica Gale

Jessica Gale

I am a student, currently studying music and Art. Here, you will see posts and reviews showing evidence of work and activities I have done. Thank you for taking time to view my account, I really appreciate it. :)

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