Part D of the Arts Award: Sharing my skills

In this blog, I wanted to share my music skills and show off a Powerpoint that I have made.

In case you guys weren't aware already, I'm a Bandlab user, and therefore I make music online. I am proud to mention that I have created a Powerpoint to show you guys how to create a form of music that's pretty popular in the UK, D&B! (drum and bass for short) 

I've shared my Powerpoint with several people, just so they can get a taster of what it looks like before I share it online. 

Just a friendly reminder that I've been using Bandlab for over a year now, so I'm pretty advanced with my understanding of the website. I'm aware of how most buttons work, and I am able to create even just a simple piece of music and can edit should I need to. I hope you guys like my Powerpoint, I know it's probably not the best, but when I shared it with people, it helped them just a little bit and hopefully it will also help you guys!

You can click on the following link below to view it:

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Jessica Gale

Jessica Gale

I am a student, currently studying music and Art. Here, you will see posts and reviews showing evidence of work and activities I have done. Thank you for taking time to view my account, I really appreciate it. :)

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